CS:S Winsock Error 10107



I've just finished installing Counter-Strike: Source but whenever I try to open it, a window comes up saying -

"Steam.exe (main exception): Unable to start Steam Engine: *SteamStartEngine(0x12e8b8) failed with error 200: Receive Failure, WinSock Error 10107"

I've tried everything and nothing works. What do I do?
I'm getting the same error now.
Check steampowered forums.
If you're getting a Winsock error, type netsh w r c(with spaces) into a command prompt. It resets them to the default config. We use it at Comcast internet technicle support all the time when people call us.
Thanks L33t Masta. netsh w r c totally fixed it for me, after a reboot.

I've had loads of wierd problems with my networking lately, like having to wait over a minute to connect, and my 1Mbps wireless connectoid showing 28kbps connect speed but maxing at 280kbps?! Unless windows doesn't know difference between k and K... or what decade it is.

thanks heaps. All sorted now - oh and of course Steam's fixed :)