CS Source Fan Movie


May 26, 2003
Reaction score
Can someone(somemany) please (prepare to) make movies(HIGH RES! pleeeease) of the CS:S beta? That would be great!
Nothing special, just normal gameplay, but in as high res as possible so we can see the new gfxal changes better.
Or they could post high res screenshots.
pppllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaasssssss s

EDIT: We wount laugh if you suck. promise

Sure no problem, I'm sure that many people will be doing this, although I play on a widescreen HDTV so If I post it will be in a 16:9 ratio :/

It's a beta, so I imagine there'll be some kind of NDA. It's not confirmed, but still, you should never request beta material from any game in the first place. Closed.

Accually there won't be an NDA, it was in an email someone sent gabe. If you really want I can quote it for you, its on this fourm. Instead of not ever requesting beta material from a game, you should probably research if theres an NDA and then make a decision. :cheers:
Looks like somebody hit the "New Topic" button instead of the "Post Reply" button...

Frosty207 said:
Looks like somebody hit the "New Topic" button instead of the "Post Reply" button...


Nope. He was replying to a thread Abom locked. I'm not sure if he'll appreciate this, but ah well. I did PM him after he closed it and informed him of the word of their being no NDA
Shuzer said:
Nope. He was replying to a thread Abom locked. I'm not sure if he'll appreciate this, but ah well. I did PM him after he closed it and informed him of the word of their being no NDA
Thanks for clearing that up. I almost started a new topic when I meant to reply when I first joined here (and I still have no idea how I did that :p) and figured he might be doing the same thing.
say it gets leaked, like it definitly will, will others be able to play? or would you need a key etc?
It will run on Steam. It will need to have its cache files authenticated. Chances are it won't be cracked to run without Steam. If it is, it'll be you alone on a LAN server, at best.
It's like running an illegal copy of a game on Steam now. Can it be done? Probably. Should you do it? No. Would it be stupid to it? Absolutely retarded. Nothing quite like giving your IP while trying to run a warezed copy of a game to the developers themselves :|
Frosty207 said:
Thanks for clearing that up. I almost started a new topic when I meant to reply when I first joined here (and I still have no idea how I did that :p) and figured he might be doing the same thing.

Na, I'm well versed in fourm posting, + I also didn't just join.