Cs:source! Help

Oct 3, 2004
Reaction score
Is there any possible way that a person, living on the tip of Africa can gain access to counterstrike:source without spending a couple of days getting it off steam?(downloading it would a couple of days with our internet speed here, and S.A internet bills are, well, comparing with u guys, pretty attrocious.)
not at the moment mate. thIs should be put in the Cs;Source section.

Steam is your only option. Its being released early on it, to give the community "something to play with" while waiting for hl2 :borg:
you would have to know someone who has the game pre-loaded and can burn it on a CD and send it to you.
Perhaps someone could mail you the .gcf files on CD-Rs?

Technically however, I think it's illegal since you're not supposed to redistribute the cache files. An end-user can back them up for personal use though.
It's not illegal, he'd still have to buy the game through steam. You would just be giving him the pre-loaded files which are worthless without the purchase through steam.
Check on ebay. . . I'll make a few for a really low price - $2 or something a pop. You pay shipping and its yours.

If a few more forum goers here would like to do the same, it would alleviate the problem for people in that situation.
etzel90 said:
It's not illegal, he'd still have to buy the game through steam. You would just be giving him the pre-loaded files which are worthless without the purchase through steam.
Actually, if you check the Steam Subscriber Agreement, it is. The license is for personal use only. Any content Steam downloads is protected by the Agreement as well - whether or not the data is "worthless" or not.
Just a question... if downloading it is so expensive and time consuming, how do you expect to play it? A week of playing an hour or two a day is probably the same bandwidth as downloading it...
JPack, Gabe himself has said time and time again that you can burn and distribute the GCF files at will. It's not illegal or against the license agreement.
butternuts said:
Just a question... if downloading it is so expensive and time consuming, how do you expect to play it? A week of playing an hour or two a day is probably the same bandwidth as downloading it...

LAN maybe?
JPack said:
Actually, if you check the Steam Subscriber Agreement, it is. The license is for personal use only. Any content Steam downloads is protected by the Agreement as well - whether or not the data is "worthless" or not.

well this is personal use and like i said before, he is still buying the game through steam.
dear god, even if it was illegal, you could help the guy out lol. Tbh...i would burn em to a dvd for ya, but tbh, you need to purchase cs:cz or no cookie..(or GCF unlocking in this case) for you!
Sharasment panda said:
Is there any possible way that a person, living on the tip of Africa can gain access to counterstrike:source without spending a couple of days getting it off steam?(downloading it would a couple of days with our internet speed here, and S.A internet bills are, well, comparing with u guys, pretty attrocious.)

not really... Unless you purchase the game retail when it is released (in SA that might take a couple extra months)
or ask around, maybe one of your friends went through with the dl... in that case you could burn his cs:s cache files