CS2 Realism Modification Idea


Jan 1, 2004
Reaction score
Counter-Strike 2 Realism (Add-on)

Ok firstly I’ll point out the obvious:

NO neither HL2 or CS2 have been released yet
And YES this idea is a modification for a modification

That aside here’s the main gist of the idea:


We all know that CS and CS2 are “Realistic”…well, they’re not.

The idea of a “Professional” or “Realistic” add-on / modification for Counter-Strike (1) has recently arisen, the idea for this modification comes from this.

Make a modification for the new CS (CS2 (There’s no point for CS1)) which gives the ad ability of realism game play elements.

Hostile Intent was recently released and contained some very interesting elements of realism which on the HL2 Source engine and for CS2 could be used as a base for making some improvement.

Give the Tournament or Server administrators the options (via a dual columned checklist, with Arcade (normal CS2) and Realistic options) so they can select what options they would like turned on / off, realistic or arcade like.

Brief Ideas :

Customisable money system
Realistic recoil
Realistic damage
New maneuverability e.g. Prone and Run
Customisable weaponry properties
(For Tournaments) Optionality to move, remove, add and/or modify objects, lighting, textures in maps for better playability
Changeable Game Speed
Changeable Player Speed

Basically it would add more functionality to the game and would appeal to a much wider range of gamers. Servers and tournaments (CPL and CXG for example) can create the exact settings and situation for their players according to their interests, skills and other variables.

You wouldn’t have to play with any of the above suggestions but some people would appreciate the add-on, which is what its all for in the end.

Of course this would need authorisation (and a fair bit of help) from Valve / other developers of HL2 and CS2.

Im sure there are big issues I haven’t thought about or addressed, but hey, its just an idea.
whoa, that seems like an idea for a new mod, not a plugin or mod-modification.

My friend and I were discussing some interesting ideas for a mod somewhat like the one you described - we even went so far as to include realistic damage effects, like if you get shot in the chest there is a possibility that you may be hit in the lung and unable to move faster than a crawl. we decided that such a mod, while interesting, would be fun for about an hour then get really old. Would it be that fun to get shot in the arm early on and die of blood loss? Also, snipers would rule the game.

I think your idea has some potential, if you keep fun in mind.
The main gist was to use CS2 materials and add a Hostile Intent kind of addon to the game, that mod, although realistic and including realistic damage (like single or dual bullet kills) is very fun because of the tactics and teamwork needed.

Just need to make sure the other parts of the modification work well to keep the player interested
I have a silly suggestion for a add-on (for Valve themselves I suppose). Add a daylight-simulator. What I mean is a simulator (or a map with the effect) that has a moving sun/moon/whatever that changes it's appearance (lightcolor, strength etc. Similar to the light_environment entity in HL1) over the course of 24 hours. That means a map would have "realistic" lightning all around the clock. Games like GTA:VC have this but in a twisted form (1 IRL second = 1 in-game minute). Heck, even MGS2 on the PS2 have this :D (in the VR missions at least).

Obviously, time zones could pose a problem, but if the map lighting simply goes after the server clock, such problems would most likely not occur. I doubt players would care if it's night on aztec when their own sun is shining outside.

Back to aztec, of course playing that map in the middle of the night would make it excellent for snipers, hiding in the dark. So some sort of artifical lighting is needed (read: lamps, fireflies or whatever) ;) That's a problem I guess.

If anyone have a comment on my idea, feel free to add it here. And if VALVe sees this (doubt it), please add it :D

Anyway, this is just a gimmick, but in the right hands, it could add A LOT to the overall feeling. SO whaddya think? ;)

Edit: In case somebody doesn't get it, what I mean is simply, if a server have its clock set to like 2 in the morning, the maps on that particular server would be played out in the night. Possibly in the light of stars or something. And if the server then starts up at noon, the sun would obviously be standing right up making, people and other things too, cast their chadows straight down. And so on.

So if you play on the same server for hours, you should be able to see that your shadow changes its angle continiously (sp?).

Oh and since VALVe haven't said anything about their MP, this might already be in it. Only valve knows that for now. :)
The realistic Dmg thing could work better than u hope. Fun is the main purpose of a game, so keeping that in mind instead of rounds people keep respawning continally until one team or the other completes their objective.
I.E. de_dust
Lets say we are playing cs2 like u described it like u want it to be. Ok me and jheaddon + Fenric + Chris-008 are on Terrorists. Now on the flip side, Chris_D and like 2 other people are on Ct's
Now, Round begins and we buy weapons. We start heading to the underpass and WHAM, Fenric's leg is blow off with a 50 calibre pistiol. he isnt dead yet. He would have a counter of like 20 second until blood loss claims him. Ok Chris_D runs at us and Nails us all in the head with a Deagle. It would splatter our brains on the walls. But does the round end? Well, what if one person is camping and shizzle. We all get board right? So if we kept respawning we could do the mission ourselves. Plus with realistic dmg, is would be a blood bath of mayhem. Which, might turn some people off. I dunno how blood pools would work because i am no C++, A+, C, programmer. The amounts of packets that need to be send would only allow for a LAN game to be played properly, unless blood and decals are client side. But They really can't be becaue if u think about it, with realism in mind u could use someones old corpse as a meat shield. It would get u all messy but u would be fine. Wtf I lost myself..................umm so yeah. I guess my point would be, that
ppl get board easy and thats why they are gamers in the first place, second realistic dmg would really gross ppl out. R0773n.com has what realistic dmg is like and it isnt pretty. So U would need to make that an option to turn on or off. Those deagles would be sick to blow ur head off with but I would go to bed like, AHHH MAMA save ME there are Corpses all around me. I CANT GET OUT AHHH and then wake up. Also Dynamic capes would be cool to see. I like capes they make some chars like Spawn gnarly lookin :thumbs:

Sorry I know u get sick of long posts but..............
it would be cool to see the engine work out how bumper cars would work out. All u get is a pistol, so u could drive by ghetto or try to knock them out by bumping to hard, then u can finish them off. Bumper Cars. Don't forget the bumper cars
Hostile Intent is the realistic Counter-Terrorism mod. It will probably be for HL2 as well (less buggy hopefully!) so there isn't really a need for a more 'realistic' CS.

Operation: CO-IN is going to be a realistic modern infantry combat mod. It will also have a very heavy emphasis on teamwork. Check it out in my sig ;)

(Sorry, I just had to pimp my mod for this thread)
If someone make the most interactive GTA from the hl2 engine, u could go into any building, blow anything up etc...etc... I don't think we would need anything else. Could imagine the freedom without consequinces. There would be so much variety. Its would sweet
By realistic damage i didn't mean losing limbs and blood loss because that just isn't that realistic or fun.

Meant that it doesn't take a whole magazine to take 20damage off of you :)
Well, along the lines of realism, yes blood loss is realistic and yes people can and get there limbs shot off. A shotgun + A soft, maliable target I.E. human flesh will put a decient size hole in your or tear off a limb. This inclues high calibre rounds and high velocity.
From what I've seen in my Forensic science class, a bullet to any part of the body is a sickining sight to say the least. I agree, to much blood takes away from the game and more on the scare/gore factor, which is obviously not part of a game like CS, more like a Doom 3 type of thing.
Just saying, i disagree with u saying its not realistic, but i do agree it would not be very entertaining.
Only because, once u get used to the blood, it doesnt affect u as much and u lose interest because it was the bait. Maybe u could make a option for servers like, Basic CS, Advanced CS, Realism mode.

Basic CS - is like the cs we know today

Advanced CS - Would include realistic bullet richochet, wind speed factor, stamina, and required skillful aiming ability.

CS Real - Things are hard ass hell, No or minimal HUD, consisting of Hp or Ammo only. You cant type, only voice command because you cannot type in real-life. Obviosuly wind, stamina, Rhicochet would all be included, along with full realistic gore effect true to life. Also an added Fear factor, which, in a shoot out the more bullets fly past u the more scared ur char get, which dissallows a proper aim. The more scared your player becomes the more ur cursor would move around by its own. This would make the player have to use stragety more than a lucky headshot or just charging in guns blazing. If where lucky we will get to play with a controller like this