cs_Compound = Best cs map ever

Erm..... yeah ok then.

This really is a.........

All new stuff for free is good. Yet this joins the pile collecting dust in the dark corner you forget about me thinks.....
It looks pretty nice, but I haven't played it online yet... only messing around on it with a few bots.
it is definitely one of the best I have seen yet..I could almost swear I've driven by that place before
damn, I'm still at work! cant wait to get home and play some :p
i have to agree with you guys,

at first i was a bit sceptical, looked more at home in hl2/dm

but once you actually start playing online it is one of the best maps available, it doesnt feel cheap and badly put together like other games i wont mention (cough cough halo 2)
take parts of Militia and Assault and you have cs_compund, IMO its good but de_train is by far better (cs maps=mad camping)
In some ways I want them to do assault, but thinking about all the autosnipes in Source... Then again its not a good idea.
no it's not, it is a heaven for campers and sniperfans. all you see is people camping with the sniperrifles, which totally ****s the game up in my opinion. there are too many small pasages where you can camp behind but are too narrow to walk behind, a big mistkae if you ask me. the terrorists start out in the compound and all they have to do to take out alot of CT's is to snipecamp the gate entrances and act as searchlight from the upper windows. have two men rushing with AK's becaue the CT's have to hide for cover and you easily turn this map into a T-based map.

Perhaps it needs to be played more often by everyone but my first encounters with the map as CT aggrevated the hell out of me.

Autosniper is way too powerfull too, it really shows in this map.
Geronimous said:
no it's not, it is a heaven for campers and sniperfans. all you see is people camping with the sniperrifles, which totally ****s the game up in my opinion. there are too many small pasages where you can camp behind but are too narrow to walk behind, a big mistkae if you ask me. the terrorists start out in the compound and all they have to do to take out alot of CT's is to snipecamp the gate entrances and act as searchlight from the upper windows. have two men rushing with AK's becaue the CT's have to hide for cover and you easily turn this map into a T-based map.

Perhaps it needs to be played more often by everyone but my first encounters with the map as CT aggrevated the hell out of me.

Autosniper is way too powerfull too, it really shows in this map.

Haha, the whole point of T's in CS_maps is to CAMP. Otherwise the game would be pointless and a massive deathmatch.

And play on servers where autosnipers are banned. I can guess this is coming to our server rotation (I.P.:, and I'm an autosniper nazi on there when I'm playing. So there you go, a nice place to play without autosniping arses.
the map is quite cool although in one match I managed to get stuck 3 times. One time I was just moving along a water tank kinda thing and stopped. thought it was a barrel in my way but it was nothing.
dekstar said:
Haha, the whole point of T's in CS_maps is to CAMP. Otherwise the game would be pointless and a massive deathmatch.

And play on servers where autosnipers are banned. I can guess this is coming to our server rotation (I.P.:, and I'm an autosniper nazi on there when I'm playing. So there you go, a nice place to play without autosniping arses.

I know it is their objective to camp, but the campspots are so good they can easily cover the entire terrain.
CT's don't even get a change to hop via the cars over the walls, that is suicide. and the gates are well protected as well.
Geronimous said:
I know it is their objective to camp, but the campspots are so good they can easily cover the entire terrain.
CT's don't even get a change to hop via the cars over the walls, that is suicide. and the gates are well protected as well.

You can buy nades for a reason ;) BTW I have yet to have your issue, my team would just take the 2 or so down blocking one of the gates, rush that, and half the other team would go on the other side, then we'd rush together, terrorists didn't stand a chance would be like 4vs10 then. :D :E
It's alright, but I still prefer de_dust and cs_office.
I think it is a nice change from the other maps, it's wide open and easy to keep your distance if your sniping. Though I wouldn't mind if there was another way to enter the compound (ie.) a tunnel or something
i like playing it, its simple and easy to learn... but it has some bugs. numerous times i could tell when there was someone on the other side of the wall because their shadow would come through the concrete. just waited until they were almost coming around the bend and then popped out and shot them in the face. i felt like a cheater... so sad. please fix valve!
The map is utter crap. It's more like a giant long-range HL2DM map than any CounterStrike map. There's too many ways to get AWP'ed, opening doors to get the hostages lets the terrorist in there know you're coming, there's too much long-range fighting, too many obstacles that block your way, too much camping on both sides...there is more stuff wrong with this map but I think I've made my point.

Oh, & I must note that I've played this map on 6 different servers, & there hasn't been a single hostage rescue yet.
I just think it plain sucks, it's not fun at all, just plain, nothing special or good about it, no real atmosphere.
I also think cs_compound is great! As a terrorist you can snipe quite nicely with your ak-47
Vorac1ous said:
The map is utter crap. It's more like a giant long-range HL2DM map than any CounterStrike map. There's too many ways to get AWP'ed, opening doors to get the hostages lets the terrorist in there know you're coming, there's too much long-range fighting, too many obstacles that block your way, too much camping on both sides...there is more stuff wrong with this map but I think I've made my point.

Oh, & I must note that I've played this map on 6 different servers, & there hasn't been a single hostage rescue yet.
People could hear you coming in militia through the door, in assault trough the vents and the door and in nuke through the doors. Get my point?

And it isn't a very big map and you can see much from everywhere so the rounds won't stretch on.
its ok, after playing for a while, your realise that there is no point to that middle building.. except for t's to hide inside of..
It's ok, but it doesn't compare to office, the best cs_ map ever.
I like it, dont love it though.

I think its the most Halflife 2 map with prodigy. And the fact its outside and a new map makes it better. I agree with someone else who said its like cs_assault, which is a map im dying for, so this should tie me over.

Biggest problem i had was with taking the hostages out the long way, they seem to get caught and stuck on nothing and stop, its really annoying. Apart from that....promising map.

edit: has anyone felt that the hitboxes are better now, and the beginners can't luck you as much? i think they have fixed it for me.
I like it, but it's at its best when everyone is using anything but sniper rifles. They ruin the map. And I'm not a whiner who moans every time someone uses a sniper rifle on aztec or dust, but when 3/4 of the team is playing hide and seek with a sniper rifle it's horrible. Grenades fix it most of the time though.

The map is very unpredictable and open ended, lots of routes to take, you aren't safe anywhere as a T. Chaos at its best.

And the hostage site is camp-o-rama for T's. 2 locations is always better.
Yeah.. i think this map is good because it gives good challenge, to all ct's. Challenge is big, u have to be very quick and u have to take care that t's wont get clear shot in u.

I snipe, but i think that it sucks that every1 use's awp or autosniper.. Ofcource we cant avoid that so, we just have to live with these sniper guys. And, if ct's play together, i mean TOGETHER, you can win them. Rush, smoke and rush.

(btw, in these large maps tracers would be cool :farmer: :eek: Sorry that im whining about this but they would be so cool!!! :D )
A dirlect wasteland has more atmosphere than this map. Its just plain sucks, empty and boring and too open ended which does not make a good map imo. To say it is the best map ever is just plain stupid. Its playable and thats about it. Infact this update was pretty lack luster. De_train is decent but they havent captured it quite right, the scale of it seems slighty off, it seems more claustraphobic. Anyway just my opinion.
Most cs_maps are utterly boring with the exception of cs_office.