CTD when loading starts


Party Escort Bot
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
I wanted to play some BF2 again, but I have this weird bug. As soon as a map starts loading, the game crashes. I have tried a couple of things:
  • turn off EAX (doesn't work)
  • lowering settings (doesn't work)
  • re-installing and re-patching (doesn't work)
Any other suggestions?
Are your drivers up to date?

Also, you might have changed your PC since that last time you've played BF2.
Backtrack through the changes and see what you could've done that conflicts with the game.

That's all I can really think of, maybe someone a bit more tech savvy can help you out a bit more.
Thanks Lucid.

The only that has changed since I last played BF2 when it still worked, was update my drivers so that can't be it.
This happened to me a few times, but just uninstalling, then deleting everything BF2 related, and reinstalled worked. Try reinstalling and not installing any patches, see if you can load a map, then try to work up a few patches at a time, see if you can find if it's just the last patch that did it or if it's your computer.
Formatting might be the quick and easy solution. If it has been a while since you formatted, the rest of your computer will benefit too.
Formatting might be the quick and easy solution. If it has been a while since you formatted, the rest of your computer will benefit too.

Yeah, I might do that. I need to format anyway, since I am upgrading pretty soon.
try to remove the whole BF2 FOLDER located under My Documents,

-It sounds like a video driver... it happened to me, I just rolled back to the previous driver and it worked again,
Have you tryed disabling VOIP? It causes a lot of problems, from what I've read
Got it working again after fiddling around with the audio settings. It's running just dandy now, including VOIP.

Can I hear a kumbula?