Cure For Cancer Discovered!

why mention the april fools in the post? ruins the idea in a way
Ah yeah, I saw his post.. lawl~
Cliche idea + admitting april fools in first post = fail
I bet the scientists just said april fools just so they could keep the medicine all to themselves.. bitches~!
Some people don't realise it's almost 10pm here and there's been a whole days worth of these posts already...
only two hours of april fools left for you then. ENJOY IT WHILE YOU CAN!
Traditionally, April Fool's gags end at mid day for us.

Oh, and this thread is made of fail and gay anal.
The spelling gave you away... That, and that I've already been had twice today! Ugh... :-S
Where can I find that music on It's pretty good!
You do realise I opened the link at 23:30, the april fools doesn't count :p
I wonder if cancer cell will mutate and become resistant to DCA and how long that would take. It sounds pretty simple, makes you wonder why no one ever thought of it before.