

Don't toke Sour Diesel
Mar 10, 2004
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:cheers: Since today I got home back at like 9 AM. With my mom being gone, who left for VA to visit the grandkids. My Dad and middle brother who lives with me(a ****ing 23 year-old deadbeat lowlife fag) Have outruled me and gave me a 2 AM curfew. Hope things change when my mom gets back.
ouch Do the ol pillows in the bed trick.

or the not so ol tie them up and light matches inbetween there toes trick

either will do none will be futile
I like curfew´s, its the only way you can keep urself sane, when having teenagers.....

Heres a good 1, i curfew my 16 year old with taking away his PC for 1 day, when the little bratt dosent call home and tell us where he is after 24:00. Or even better, when i´ve been smelling the garbage that he´s forgotten 4 the 3. day in a row, i take the PC 4 a week.

AHHHH its nice to be a parent at times :E
RRunner said:
I like curfew´s, its the only way you can keep urself sane, when having teenagers.....

Heres a good 1, i curfew my 16 year old with taking away his PC for 1 day, when the little bratt dosent call home and tell us where he is after 24:00. Or even better, when i´ve been smelling the garbage that he´s forgotten 4 the 3. day in a row, i take the PC 4 a week.

AHHHH its nice to be a parent at times :E

I hate when my dad does that. :frown:

Im also 16 by the way.
TheUnkillableDot said:
I hate when my dad does that. :frown:

Im also 16 by the way.

I know its not easy to be an teenager, but its also not that easy being a parent too m8. But you must understand that the parents have been teenagers themselvs at 1 point, u on the other hand have not been an "grown up" (<---- yeah whats an grown up..)

I try to explain it to my kid with this... a child is someone who does not take responebility for themself or others. A young man which he is, is some1 who takes responsebility for themselfs, but seldom for others. a grown up is some1 who takes responsebility for themselfs and for others (family wise). And its a grown ups duty to teach the youngperson how to take, firstly responsebility for them selfs, secondly for other (family). Now the garbage is a seriously stupid thing to angry about, BUT (here it comes), its an easy way (and not that dangerous way) 4 a parent to see if the youngperson is ready to understand that there are more to the world then just him or her self.
Now i dislike smelling garbage, it annoys me to hell. The kid is annoyed to hell with my control, so if i have to willingly loosen my control, he has to prove that he understands that there are more to the world then himself, (and as we both can agree on i think, the garbage is a simple and foolish thing....but then why is it still stinking up my house?).
RRunner said:
I like curfew´s, its the only way you can keep urself sane, when having teenagers.....

Heres a good 1, i curfew my 16 year old with taking away his PC for 1 day, when the little bratt dosent call home and tell us where he is after 24:00. Or even better, when i´ve been smelling the garbage that he´s forgotten 4 the 3. day in a row, i take the PC 4 a week.

AHHHH its nice to be a parent at times :E

I thought a parent would be more into spelling correctly to be a good role model for your son... :|
Danimal said:
I thought a parent would be more into spelling :|

:p English isent my primary lingo m8... but i cant make myself more or less understod in 5 different about u?
It's MSN all over again, 'm8' :|

EDIT: I just realised you weren't from an english-speaking country(I think)... Sorry.
its kind of an unwritten thing:

kids HATE grownups, and wish they would all be killed at birth. when they grow older, they begin to realise that killing all adults at birth might not be as good a thing as it sounds. :D
Thank Year 8 science for that one, Ranga :p (I remember those videos :|, pretty graphical back in the day)
Thank Year 8 science for that one, Ranga (I remember those videos , pretty graphical back in the day)

me no understand... :| What videos?
I saw a video of some guy with a moustche and a microscope he was looking in, he looks at you and says "This. Is my sperm!" and it shows a view through the microscope :x

There is also a video of a woman giving birth in her bath tub, so much 'meat' was everywhere :| I doubt the videos were for educational purposes though.
What the hell has this got to do with kids hating adults...*ponders meaning of... oh forget it.
From that whole "When kids are older they realise why that isn't such a good idea" line...

stop having sex like destrukt said,
So you didnt tell them where you were or anything?
I've never recieved a curfew. :D I hope of getting one soon, it sounds funny. ;)
ailevation said:
:cheers: Since today I got home back at like 9 AM. With my mom being gone, who left for VA to visit the grandkids. My Dad and middle brother who lives with me(a ****ing 23 year-old deadbeat lowlife fag) Have outruled me and gave me a 2 AM curfew. Hope things change when my mom gets back.

you're kidding right? 9am? how old are you?
2 AM? Dude, that's a hell of a lot better than anything I ever got. It was 1 AM until I moved out at 18.
I dunno why you'd want to go out that late to be honest, bed is so nice :p
I dont have a curfew either, but it is assumed that I call and keep in touch with my parents, and I pretty much will have to home by 1
rpgprog said:
I dont have a curfew either, but it is assumed that I call and keep in touch with my parents, and I pretty much will have to home by 1
That's pretty much a curfew, dude. It might not be set in stone, but it doesn't have to be, ya?
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
That's pretty much a curfew, dude. It might not be set in stone, but it doesn't have to be, ya?
I guess, but i can ask and stay out longer. But anyway, I do not have anyway to get anywhere without my parents, i cannot drive and none of my friends can drive after 12 b/c of the lame driving restrictions in NJ
CptStern said:
you're kidding right? 9am? how old are you?

Dasparov said:
stop having sex like destrukt said,
So you didnt tell them where you were or anything?

Okay, I am 16. I told everyone that I was going out to see a movie, and do something afterwards. I then left my brother a text message saying that I might crash out at my friends place. Now, tell me what's the problem with crashing out at your friends place, parents home and all? I shouldn't have texted my brother... but, I knew he would be the one awake at the time that I did.
hmm, ive never had a curfew.
dont american kids have a government curfew to be indoors at 10am?
cos its legal for kids too stay out 24/7 in the uk, even tho nobody does. lol

ive never had a curfew from my parents.
but they always come in my room and tell me to go to bed ....
i normally go to sleep at 3 am :(
I once got back home at about 7 AM...but I was 18 so my parents didn't mind as much. Also I'd phoned them at about 5 in the morning saying I might be late :P I was a tad drunk...

Ok, they probably would have "punnished" me if I hadn't been 18, but really they realised that i'd learnt my lesson about drinking too much. I lost my hat that night :( I loved that hat...

I've never been grounded out curfewed by my parents, but they're actually very understanding of children and young people. They haven't forget what it was like growing up. They were teenagers in the 60's and I know they did some stuff far worse than I've done ;)
KoreBolteR said:
hmm, ive never had a curfew.
dont american kids have a government curfew to be indoors at 10am?
WHAT? What kind of crazy shit are they throwing at ya'll on that side of the pond? (I think you mean p.m., too.)

The ONLY government curfew-like thing for the kids here is that they can't drive after 11 p.m. until they're 17.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
WHAT? What kind of crazy shit are they throwing at ya'll on that side of the pond? (I think you mean p.m., too.)

The ONLY government curfew-like thing for the kids here is that they can't drive after 11 p.m. until they're 17.

yes sorry im meant 10pm.
but i was talking to this american girl on aol, cuple of weeks ago, and she said that she had to be indoors by 10 or 11. and that it was the law ... :devil:
KoreBolteR said:
yes sorry im meant 10pm.
but i was talking to this american girl on aol, cuple of weeks ago, and she said that she had to be indoors by 10 or 11. and that it was the law ... :devil:
Her parents must be playing tricks on her. Well, she can't drive after 11, but I don't know any cop who will cite a kid for being out after that time.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Her parents must be playing tricks on her. Well, she can't drive after 11, but I don't know any cop who will cite a kid for being out after that time.

maybe laws change from state to state, she lives in Illinois.

you guys are lucky, you can start driving at 16, We have to wait till were 18 :bonce:
:cheers: Actually here where I live curfew is like 10 pm, 11 pm, or 12 am... I forget, but then again nobody really cares. Well, unless we're at a party and get caught trying to escape when cops come by to raid the place :x .

There's a new law in California where it's like 1990 or later D.O.B. you're going to have to wait til you're 18 to drive. Unless you pay a fee which is like something around $300 or $400 and that doesn't include you having to pay for drivers ed or driving school. Well, wait... I think you pay $300 or $400 to get your license like right away... blah damn I forget.
KoreBolteR said:
maybe laws change from state to state, she lives in Illinois.

you guys are lucky, you can start driving at 16, We have to wait till were 18 :bonce:
And you can NEVER buy guns! Woooo! ....anyhoo...
Evil^Milk said:
9 am? dude! where the fug where you?

:hmph: What the hell it wasn't THAT bad is it? We went on a double date at first like around ten, dropped the other 2 off. Me and my girl were looking for a good make-out spot... then our friends that went to our school Winter Formal called us up to go meet up at Denny's and go to an after party. So we ended up going there... but like we were burnt and like I didn't want to go back home so I spent the nite at my GF's place.

We had the new Carl's Jr Breakfast Burgers too! Man those shits are good dude!
Hey alieviation, just out of curiosity, how far away are you from Baksersfield? Just wondering cause you mentioned winter formal, and you're in CA, and my friend in CA just had hers. Dunno if it's just a cali thing, maybe I'm just nosy?lol :rolling: