Current overhyped games


The Freeman
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Fallout 3, L4D, Far Cry 2. I'm not really that excited for any of them. I'm willing to try them, hopefully the demo for L4D can give me some enthusiasm, but I really don't see anything great about these games.
This is a great place to let your feelings out. I hope it helped.
OH. and I share your enthusiasm for FC2. Looks meh at best.
What high-budget game is NOT overhyped? LBP is overhyped. GoW2 is overhyped. Fable II is overhyped. And so on...
I don't complain since a lot of games I care about are overhyped.

Oh, and I would take issue with the fact that Fallout 3 is overhyped. I honestly don't think it is.
There are alot of games out there for alot of different people, if somthing doesnt interest you, then why would you care? Hype is relative, all 3 of those games are gonna have alot of people who really enjoy them, just because you dont isnt gonna effect their impression.

There are alot of games coming out that masses of people are going nuts over, but I couldnt give two hoots about, but I still get that people like that sort of thing, each to their own.
Thing is I used to look forward to a lot of games with their hype justified (Halo 3, HL2ep2, Portal to name a few). Seems that this current wave is just full of dull. I mean I don't exactly lack interest in any of the ones I mentioned in the first post but how heavily they're being fanraped is astounding.
Thing is I used to look forward to a lot of games with their hype justified (Halo 3, HL2ep2, Portal to name a few). Seems that this current wave is just full of dull. I mean I don't exactly lack interest in any of the ones I mentioned in the first post but how heavily they're being fanraped is astounding.

I thought Halo 3 was terrible.

As Lobster said, all to their own. ;)
Well that's what it all boils down to, I know I used to look forward to games more. Or perhaps that was my premise with F3 just hearing about the story.
Well I guess you have an advantage that if they do suck you wont feel any different, and if they own, you will be surprised.

My personal opinions on the 3 games you mentioned.

Fallout looks ok, I cant say I have watched it that closely, I dont think it grabs me in general, but thats just due to the sort of thing I go for.

I really like L4D because I love playing coop games with my friends, but also from a technical standpoint the AI-Director is doing somthing ive not really seen before, dynamicly altering sound, music, items, enemy behavior and difficulty, based on the unpredictable pacing of a multiplayer game, it has alot of potential in my eyes.

As for FarCry 2, it seems to do alot of things right, I like some of the things they are doing with interactivity and the size of the world is pretty impressive, open world games tend to be hit and miss in that you either go back repeatedly to try new stuff, or you realise only one thing is worth doing and get bored, so I will have to wait and see.
I did see a Fable 2 review and they said it was brilliant, so does that really make it overhyped? Same for Far Cry 2. And LBP.

But I'll agree with Dead Space.
Black Mesa.
Some of it's fan even say it is a game, not just a mod!

I'm passed the hype for L4D - I just wanna play the game.

As for the other two you mention I'm not hyped because I really haven't paid any attention to them.
I'm looking forward to Doom 4, The Elder Scrolls 5, Resident Evil 6, and Gears of War 3.

I make my own hype on how perfect they will be. And then, just before they go gold, I overlook them, save my money, and start waiting for the next version.

saves me a ton.
Little Big Planet.
I really don't see what the big deal is. :|

Fallout 3, I was slightly hyped about it initially... but as I saw more and more of the gameplay, it really does just look like Oblivion with guns. :|

Haven't paid any attention to Fable 2 at all, not coming to the PC(for awhile atleast) or PS3(as far as I know) so I'm not interested in it really.

And I'm hyped beyond belief for L4D.

edit: Oh yeah, Far Cry 2... not interested really.
I just assume every game is shit, then judge them when I play them, otherwise they are pure shit for hte remainder of their existence until I play them.

Helped me like Spore alot when it came out, watched no videos, no screenshots, didn't even talk about it. I think it's a pretty cool game.

Stop ruining games for yourselves. Hate everything.
L4D...much rather play ZP source, free games ftw.

and pretty much every game coming out in the next few weeks.
Left4Dead, Little Big Planet, and every FPS for the next year.
L4D...much rather play ZP source, free games ftw.

you really can't compare the two, lol

i'm gonna say Far Cry 2. I prefer tropical setting eye candy over african boring setting.
Most games are overhyped these days. I just try not get caught in all of em. I couldn't resist purchasing Left4Dead but that's where i draw a line. However, i am not really worried when it comes to Left4Dead though. Co-op games are a rare breed.
With its sheer emphasis on Co-Op gameplay, it shouldn't disappoint. After all,i have yet to be disappointed by Valve's work.
Bioshock was the most overhyped bag of shit I've ever played. But that's not current.
I think Bioshock was pretty good, probably not to the hype it was set at but for a first time playthrough its pretty epic (or just short of it).
How do we know these games are overhyped if none of us have actually played them?
If I was to pick one, id say Fallout 3 simply because of it huge fanbase.

Oh and maybe Starcraft 2.

And maybe WoW: Wrath Of The Lich King.

I don't get the deal with Little Big Planet. Looks like a 3D platformer almost limited to 2D with the ability to create and share maps. What am I missing?

Dead Space - watching the video review; looks a bit like Doom 3 in TPP. Doesn't look exciting.

Far Cry 2 - I feel it's a bit overhyped, but I still think it'll be a great game, so I'm getting it.

If I was to pick one, id say Fallout 3 simply because of it huge fanbase.

Do you mean Fallout 3 fanbase or the Fallout franchise fanbase? Cause, if it's the former, I don't know if you can be a fan of a game that's not out yet and if it's the latter it seems fans of the franchise are disappointed with how Fallout 3 turned out.
I don't get the deal with Little Big Planet. Looks like a 3D platformer almost limited to 2D with the ability to create and share maps. What am I missing?

I think the idea of custom user made content is a shocking and ground breaking new idea for console players, and they cant believe no one has thought of this before!!!

Saying that it does look polished and has some quite cool physics stuff to play with, it reminds me of a commercialised Garrys Mod.
Really, there a bunch of games that I don't like just out of personal taste, but that doesn' t mean they are overhyped, as they still appeal to a LARGE crowd of people.
Super Mario Brothers. Game will probably suck, anyway.
I refuse to claim a game is overhyped until I have played it and seen whether it is, to me, deserving of the hype or not.