Custom Building


Dec 20, 2005
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Hey guys, i'm just about to start rebuilding my computer and replacing the motherboard.

Just wondering if there is anything apart from Static that i should be aware of and any clabes that can be easily misplaced anything lik this that i should be careful about.

Thanks :smoking:
plugging parts of the wall socket into normal electrical components is generally not a good idea.

Take your time, don't get nervous, read what you need to. When you're mounting the cpu/heatsink back onto the mother board, some boards need a little force to secure the heatsink, but DON't apply too much or you'll crack the core.

If you're putting a new heatsink on a cpu, remember light coats of thermal paste, not none or too much.
OK. so about a pea sized portion or more / less lol ?

plugging parts of the wall socket into normal electrical components is generally not a good idea

what you mean by this ? - like plugging cathode rods into the wall or sth?

if your psu has a switch on it, turn it to off, and keep your pc plugged into the wall, turn of the wall aswell.

this means your case is earthed!!!

soo, when handling components jsu thold on to the case and you wont fizzle them,

nb it is easier if you have an anti static wristband! jsut means you wont have to physically hold the case wiht youre hands freeing up space

dont forse any components into there slot, if tey wont go check to see if they are ogin in the right way! the only exception is ram, its a bit of a bugger to get it, but still remember to be gentle

dont hold on to compnents hold onto the circuit board

dont bend anything-unless its your case to fit something in

beware of sharp bits
look out for the gremlins that live in your case........they'll gitcha
Joims said:
if your psu has a switch on it, turn it to off, and keep your pc plugged into the wall, turn of the wall aswell.

this means your case is earthed!!!

soo, when handling components jsu thold on to the case and you wont fizzle them,

ok - remind me again the O means off yea or is it the - on the PSU rocker?
OK :D:D:D:D just installed everything and it seems to be working fine!

I'm off to get my Wiundows disc from a m8 soon and jsut thought that i'd check something

When i booted up it gave me the asus booting screen and then went black and said insert a bootable media and hit any key to begin

So basically i just bash windows disc in and it's sorted?
yeh, will be fine! and the 0 means off

is binary

0 = off 1 = on
Don't worry about static to much, it is better safe then sorry though.
Don't force parts in, they'll probably break, I'd suggest slowly applying force if you know it is going in right.
Make sure ram is in properly, secure and all. People have fried their computers because the ram wasn't in securely.
EDIT: Nvm, seems I'm late to post.
Cheers anyway Fliko - the ram was the component that required most force too :P