Custom l4d music


Space Core
Aug 22, 2004
Reaction score
How do I add my own music to the game, especially when the tank comes around?

edit: i found where to put the files, but apparently audacity won't open my LEGALLY PURCHASED 28 weeks later soundtrack. What's the next best audio editing software?
hAHAHAHAHAHHAAHa daaaaaaaaamn thats funny as shit!!! :D:D ahhaah
haha, nice

as far as what i want to do, i just want the 28 weeks later theme to pop in when the horde comes. I was looking around in the music directory and there are like 15 distinct horde calls. So I'm trying to split up the 28 weeks later theme and add them in.

Now the only problem is finding a good audio editor since audacity won't work with an mp4!