custom maps+lobby system=?

Aug 10, 2006
Reaction score
I'm not really sure how it's going to work. Any ideas?
I'm sure something fairly simple could work it out, but something doesn't seem kosher to me.
search funtion?
Custom maps server list that leads to lobby?

Only god knows
They need to have a filter that's all I know. Not a server filter, but a custom map filter that Valve enforces. I don't want to join a custom game and have a shitty time playing it. We already know the quality Valve can give us, and it's pure brilliance, but when it comes to custom maps, there's a handful out there that actually play decent for all multiplayer games. I just hope people can create amazing maps or we're ****ed.
They already have those shitty versions of Death Toll on versus, along with Dead Air.
Ask around, I'm not interested in explaining.