Custom Skybox problem



Hi mates. Just last week I started to work out one idea I've had on my mind for long time. Now, I've managed to find out many cool features on HL2, hammer, SDK and so on..but..I've also found the first problem I'm unable to solve! Any help is welcome.

So..this is the problem:

HL2dm cannot find my skybox for some reason. I have tried many different names, copied the files in various locations, and so on..but I'm quite certain the actual problem is someting about the code.
Here's the folder and files I have:
And here's how it looks like in Hammer properties:

The code VMT files contain is from HLwikipedia:

Code at sky_undead_day01rt.vmt for example is:
"$basetexture" "skybox/sky_undead_day01rt"
"$nofog" 1
"$ignorez" 1

All my custom textures can be found from Hammer and I've also managed to actualize basic textures using exactly the same technique. It must be someting about how skybox is working...oh and I've tested default skyboxes and they're working perfectly. Anyone has any idea why HL2 cannot find or load my skybox?

Thanks already!

Just a couple of issues.
1) Contrary to the tutorial, you will want to compile your sky images with "skybox" "1" in their VTEX .txt files. This ensures no seams appear.
2) Some very strange things can be case sensitive. My general rule is to always, always, use miniscules for every identifier.
3) Your post shows several different mods. You mention that HL2DM cannot load the sky, then that HL2 cannot find it, and your image shows the textures in a mod folder called "Veil of Haze" (spaces, like majuscules, are another thing I never want to see in identifiers). Remember that a mod can only load materials from its own directories and shared GCF files.
4) For the sky brushes themselves, ensure that you're using the tools/toolsskybox texture only.
5) For some reason that I have never figured out, Source will sometimes treat textures entirely differently based on the type of TGA you compiled them from. I believe the best results are always attained with 32-bit uncompressed TGAs.
Hey, thanks Reaven0!

I followed your tips and indeed, now it works. I think the problem was I didn't have "skybox""1" line there in the text files. Atleast this time vtex.exe gave me correct feedback. Though now I also made everything by the numbers as you told. :thumbs: