Custom sound problem


Jun 30, 2004
Reaction score

I created some headshot sounds to be used in CSS. Well the first batch worked, but the new batch I recently made steam only plays two out of the five. When someone gets shot in the head, only the 2 same sounds are randomly played. I want steam to use all five.


Program: Goldwave (latest)

Attributes: Wave, PCM signed 16 bit, mono

Number of files: 5 (named headshot1, headshot2 etc.)
I dunno what could be the problem :|

I didn't even know you could put batches of files in your sound folder and it plays them randomly :D
Did you make the same filenames as the original ones? Did you make the same number of the modified files?
The game won't play 5 random sounds if it's designed to play only, say, two :P
Ah I see, just checked the game packs and vavle indeed has two listed. That sucks, oh well.

Ill be updating this pack on filefront.hl2 or something, ill post a link if anyone wants to use them.

Beerdude26 said:
I dunno what could be the problem :|

I didn't even know you could put batches of files in your sound folder and it plays them randomly :D

Yea, all you do is look in the vavle cfg pack and find a sound you want to replace. Lets say the ctwin and twin sounds. Just find two cool songs, clip them to match near the originals. Then just rename it to match both of the different sound files and plop them into your "source\cstrike\sound\radio" folder. You override just about anything. Try looking for a custom sound pack of weapons and footsteps, it adds awhole new dimension! Ill post a link;5111
If you'd want to have more random sounds, you would have to modify the source code. Unfortunately, making a mod like this won't allow you to play online on unmodified servers.
Yea, or maybe I could persuade valve to do it for me! :cheese: