Custom Spraypaints?

  • Thread starter Thread starter NuclearSidewalk
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I remember these being popular when Half-Life first came out. Do people still make or use them? Maybe the novelty's worn off, but I still enjoy making my own. Anyone else?

The attatchment is my current spray. Right now I'm still playing as "TOASTER". I've used it for eight years but there are just so many others using it already so I'm looking to change.
I still make my own. I normally make HL1 sprays for use when playing Natural Selection.

I started a site for HL2 sprays, it's in my signature. Also, "T" is unbound by default in HL2: DM, which doesn't help spray popularity.
It's good to see a site up dedicated to custom spraypaints.

I was thinking more along the lines of logo sprays though. Less full-bleed images and album covers... and more like someone's personal mark.
Click here ------------> <---------

New newest custom spray.

Whether you take this as being anti-Steam or supporting it, the key was to incorporate the logo into my own design.