Not sure if this is the right forum but oh well, I'm sure they will move it if not Anyway I noticed some people having problems with the custom texture importing and I was having a LOT of problems as well. I think I finally figured out what I was doing wrong so I thought I'd share. When you first start up the Hammer editor make sure that down bottom in your Steam launcher you've selected the correct mod. I was trying to make a hl2dm mod and kept loading CounterStrike so that was 1 of my problems. The other problem is that apparently Paint Shop Pro 8 does not support 32 bit TGA files. They all seem to be 24 bit. All the textures I dl from online import no problem, but everything from PSP seems to mess up vtex. I cannot seem to install the GIMP because of a GTK version error so I'm not 100% positive that this is the problem. If anybody else using PSP can confirm this I'd be really appreciative.