CVG - HL2 submitted for classification. Vivendi consider it finished.


Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score

"as far as Vivendi is concerned, the game [Half-Life 2] is finished"

For those who aren't members...


Maps uploading to users through Steam, while the Internet is afire with speculation that a 'gone gold' announcement is imminent

11:46 Valve Software has announced that preloading of Half-Life 2 via Steam has moved into its sixth phase. Steam account holders can now download encrypted Half-Life 2 maps; users of course will eventually be able to pay to activate the full downloaded game as soon we hit the official release date - that's, erm, sometime in the near future, we hope.
Actually, rumour and speculation currently whirling around the Internet suggests that a 'gone gold' announcement for Half-Life 2 is imminent. According to reports, Valve has recently submitted a fifth release candidate to Vivendi which squashed a couple of bugs. Naturally, devotees are praying that it means a release date will be confirmed soon. Assuming the publisher is happy with what it's been handed, that will surely happen.

We contacted Vivendi earlier about the 'gone gold' rumours, but have yet to hear back from the publisher. As soon as we get a reply we'll let you know.

Stuart Bishop
We have to wait and see... i'm neither optimistic or otherwise... just wait and see
Yeah, finished for content. Possibly not finished for bugs (or conspiricy plots).
However, when we first talked about this I too couldn't help but feel it was a big step forward.
Well seeing that it was recently rated "M" by the ESRB and the recent RC5 news with 3 big bugs to stomp, I'm guessing (hoping) that we will get a gold announcement by next week. That's also assuming that they have killed all of the bugs...
Hl2 Hl2 Hl2~!!~!!~

Sadly, WoW might make it out first, which means I'll brush HL2 aside and leave it at "I'll play it later" :|
november release is just perfect, I can finish preloading by then hehehehhe
I say nothing.... I just wait and see....

Oh christ who am I fooling!! I havn't been able to work sleep or eat for days PLEASE GO GOLD TODAY!!!!!!! so I can eat, sleep, and work (in that order)
lol @ #16
am preloading the new update now, 83% done, nooo my burned disks are out of date!!!!

Hell YEAH!!! Here's hoping for a Gold Announcement today!! :cheers: :thumbs:
the sooner the better :D
release it already :D

hl2 going to pwn :D
It's not going gold today, or tommorow . Or this month. If it does I will eat my hat
kiwii said:
It's not going gold today, or tommorow . Or this month. If it does I will eat my hat

Make sure you get a video.
I think the perinant quote would be:
"And what, you're no doubt wondering, does Vivendi have to say about all this? Well, actually so are we at the moment. We'd like to report, but at the time of going to press the publisher remained unavailable for comment."
satch919 said:
Hell YEAH!!! Here's hoping for a Gold Announcement today!! :cheers: :thumbs:

I wouldn't say they will be announcing it going gold today, but most likely sometime next week. This is just another step in the process, thats all.
kiwii said:
It's not going gold today, or tommorow . Or this month. If it does I will eat my hat

I will hold you to you word. :)

And as always, I am cautiously optimistic. And with every passing days, the chances do increase...
kiwii said:
It's not going gold today, or tommorow . Or this month. If it does I will eat my hat

you going to eat you'r hat and if you not have one buy one
and eat it.

make a vid
this game going gold today
Just to throw some oil on the fire:

If it's in the preload, it's passed QA.

The models are in.
The textures are in.
The sounds are in.
The maps are in.
The game DLLs are in.

That leaves the core engine, and two possibilities:

1) The game has passed QA entirely, gold announcement very soon.

2) There's still some bugs that are purely engine-related. When those are fixed, it goes gold.

3) I said 2 possiblities. Why are you reading this?
Pi Mu Rho said:
The models are in.

MOST of the models.

The textures are in.

MOST of the textures.

The sounds are in.

MOST of the sounds.

There are still quite a few empty folders in a few of the preload files. Of course, unless Valve secretly preloaded the missing files, or the empty folders are gonna just be left empty, I could be wrong...
I suspect that any missing assets aren't due to the QA process, but attempting to avoid spoilers.
KagePrototype said:
MOST of the models.

MOST of the textures.

MOST of the sounds.

There are still quite a few empty folders in a few of the preload files. Of course, unless Valve secretly preloaded the missing files, or the empty folders are gonna just be left empty, I could be wrong...

they could well be the files that are given to us when the game is released.
Ohh .. I'm actually getting a little exited again. I thought my hype was gone..
Pi Mu Rho said:
3) I said 2 possiblities. Why are you reading this?

Because I can. :p

I don't believe any of this rubbish until I hear the words "HL2 has gone gold and will be released on..."
Jesus, hurry the hell up. Unlock my damn game already, Gabe/VU.