CVG's 'Orange Box Dissected' Part 2


ValveTime Administrator
Staff member
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
CVG have posted the second part of their 'The Orange Box Dissected' feature, this time focusing on Portal.
The games world has gone bat s*** over Portal. By the time you read this, there will be around 23,456 more blogs about the Weighted Companion Cube and over 1.2 million references on forums about "cake", beating the previous record set by "the knights who say 'Ni'" by 67 per cent.
You can read this here or you can start with part one.
looks cool, never played it strangly enough... : / hmm might give it a try somewere soon.

The knights who say Ni? Erm... what... what is that
Anyway the companion cube is better.
By the way, the cake is a lie and the companion cube talked to me.
I always wondered what the WC 3 knight was talking about when I clicked him multiple times:

WC3 Knight said:
I never say "Ni".
Why no mention of Part 1 on the 6th?

Love the new (or rather old but just now revealed) GLaDOS concept art! Seems like GLaDOS was supposed to be a hula-hoop at one point.
Still really cool though :)