CWMP: Spectre M4 by Hiro


May 15, 2003
Reaction score
Latest model from Hiro....
a tad highish poly at 2000 triangles. Forgot to take some wireframes, i'll get them later.


looking a these renders i realize i forgot to add a few things. so for anyone ntocing theres no trigger it'l being added now. the 2000 PC is without backface deleting.
way to thin :) needs a little more work if you as me, it is already a nice model but 2000 triangles is alot, one of our MOD crew also modeled that weapon with only 1500 triangles, and it looked better, we don't have the sholderpeas though. if you care to check it out, it's on -> teams -> vanguard -> Spectre M4, laterz
Looks like that gun has been to one to many Richard Simmons' workouts.
it looks alright so far, have u got a larger res render and a wireframe plz? I can't see much on those images with my huge ass res. Well its not even large. I just think those images are small in general. Its kinda hard to gudge your work.
Originally posted by simon
way to thin :) needs a little more work if you as me, it is already a nice model but 2000 triangles is alot, one of our MOD crew also modeled that weapon with only 1500 triangles, and it looked better, we don't have the sholderpeas though. if you care to check it out, it's on -> teams -> vanguard -> Spectre M4, laterz

While I hate to disagree and stuff...

1) Yeah, it should be a bit thicker.
2) Hiro's model has many more details modeled on, as well as the shoulder stock and the forward grip, which is why the model has more polys
3) IMO, Hiro's model, other than the thickness, looks better. Mor details, more rounded edges.

IchI: I'll get a wireframe up as soon a is get back on my computer.
Also, I'm not gonna make the renders any larger, 640x480 is plenty large, don't wanna streach the forums out ;)
We,mysely and [flixz], modeled two different versions of the same gun. A lot of the polys in mine are not seen in the render because they went into creating a lot of detail at handle area. I'm pretty sure i got the dimension of this weapon correctly as i've not been able to see it at an angle i had to go by dimensions posted and it's a thin gun. the only problems i have with [Flixz] version is the cocking handle is not correct and the vent holes go comlpetely through to expose the barrel on the real weapon. i left that to skinning as it's not going to be noticed in game. bear i n mid that the 2000 is without backface which will eliminate at least 200 poly's for later redistribution