Cwmp: Tmp


May 15, 2003
Reaction score
Ran has quickly finished the Steyr TMP

*Note* The first image is NOT skinned, it's just a material he slapped on for looks.

tmp 1.jpg

tmp 3.jpg

tmp 4.jpg
they dont use those in the army ?
well anyways the model is good. but i have doubts bout wether it should be in the mod.
You may have all doubts you want, but you don't have any say in the mod design.
we do our research.

The concept for the TMP - Tactical Machine Pistol - came from the need to have a semi/fully automatic machine pistol that would perform efficiently in real combat situations and be used by people whose roles in combat are not primarily to fight.
this short-sized SMG came out of the same military concems that repeatedly led the U.S. Infantry School to start a new approach to the Personal Defense Weapon (PDW), now set within the frame of the Objective Family of Small Arms (OFSA). These concerns are shared by most modern armies and arose from the poor efficiency of the semi-auto pistol when used under true combat conditions as a last ditch defense weapon, especially by those people whose primary task is not to fight.

This weapon will be available to medics and foward tactical observers, whose primary role isn't head on combat.
How about a wireframe shot so we can see where all of those polygons are? In the state it's in now it shouldn't be any more than a thousand, and even that's being generous.
eh, right now i'm too lazy (i know it's a sin....) to post one, but all those "extra" pols ar ein the barrel and the forward hand grip. He did the preliminary with much, much lower count, but he added these "extra" polys in the handle and barrel for the render.
i know i dont have any say in it but those things arent very useful
and in real life they wouldnt give that to many people they normaly give a good mp5 to medics and pilots.

edit:you would be better of with that new mp5.
sure.....but this is a game.
Say there are 2 identical mods. no differances, except for 1.
One mod gives one standard weapon when you choose a class, say an Mp-5 whenever you'r a medic. And the othe rmod lets you choose out of 5 wespons when you're a medic. which would you rather play?
well ok then stick to ur thing just dont tell me that my initial idea of it not being used in the army was wrong.
very nicely done, clean and (thank goodness) chunky, it looks as it should.
for some reason I want to say add more detail to the side, but if memory serves the steyre is like that.
well done ;) post us some textured pics once the skin is finished
why not go with a differant gun? ....there are dozens of other smgs you could use

im not trying to sound like a prick....i just loathe anything in CS
Heh, didn't choose it cause it was in CS, and we want to have waitity from jsut H&K, but if you would like to know, here are most of the smgs we have planned for the NATO side.

UMP .40
Spectre M4
Ruger MP-9

Would you dislike us if we include an ak-47?

*EDIT*Besides, the TMP is austian, and austria is a Warsaw Pact country, why would I replace it with the H&Ks?
it doesnt really matter if the model is or is not in cs .
oh yeah the ak47 wouldnt be appropriate coz the mod is more modern rite?
The USSR never gave out it's newest toys toys to it's sattilites. They would all still use AK-47s. The Ak47 is the mst used, and many nations still have it in it's inventory. Consructive critism is good, suggestions are good, but I haven't seen anyhtign to the otherwise that you're jsut some random guy who talks about a mod, tries to direct other people's mod, and has an issue with my mod becuase Hiro is working with me. When someone leave s a project of Hiro's calbier, that must be sayign something.
im not irritated with ur mod coz hiro is in it .(im not irritated period im just giving useful sugestions whts wrong with you ?)
hiro left coz he thought we had died. when hiro joined us he was pretty much a rookie modeler .

and can u please tell me when i have tried to direct other peoples mods ? i havent said one bad thing about ur mod at all i just make a few good honest comments that dont even remotely impply anything whts wrong with you man ?