Cyber Nations


Party Escort Bot
Dec 20, 2004
Reaction score
About a month ago, I started one. Surprisingly, it's pretty fun and low maintenance.

Anyone else have one that wants to trade resources, or give me some money?

Welcome to Cyber Nations, a free nation simulation game. Create a nation anywhere in the world and decide how you will rule your people by choosing a government type, a national religion, ethnicity, tax rate, currency type, and more in this new geo-political, nation, and government simulator. There are no fees associated with Cyber Nations, no credits or upgrades to buy, no gimmicks, just a fun place to hang out and rule your nation.

It's something to burn five minutes on a day.
I have a Cyber Nation. It's been one of my most played games for a while. I log in once a day, or once every two days and upgrade my Nation. :D

I can send you some starting money. However, I can't offer trade since my most needed resources are already filled up.

This is my cyber nation.

I only joined that alliance cause they kept pestering me about it. I figured what the hell, as long as it's a peaceful alliance I don't care.
How much is it like Nationstates?
I just started today. It looks like what would come out nine months later if Nationstates and Earth 2025/Ogame/etc had an orgy.
I had one, but I don't know what happened to it.
Didn't we have a HL2net craze about sometime last year or so?

Shit, I think we even made a forum...

edit : Found it.
Time to restart, i guess.
Hah, I've been wanting to try this out. I was big on Astronest and 1000AD back in the day.
I have long since let mine die after it was too retarded too let me in my account after I logged in. Raziaar could probably help you.
I was within the top 800. Had nukes. Never joined an alliance.

Stopped playing. Ur accounts gets deleted after 14 days of inactivity.
Can anyone tell me why my income to outgoing ratio is so low?

My nation is pretty old, and I think I have 4 out of 5 trades used, but I profit about 10% of my total tax income due to expenses.
Had a nation. My internet went down for several days. My Country was deleted.
What I dislike about these type of games is no matter how well I do people who registered a few months before me are always going to be better than me.

No chance you can catch up? Look at top 5 nations, all a year old.
Seeing as I've left my Cybernation alone for a year now - It should be a WONDROUS, TOTALLY AWESOME FUN LAND OF AWESOME.
I'm very confused on what to do on this. I just check it every day, collect taxes, infrastructer *whatever that is*
It's what you do. Buy tech and infrastructure. You get more money per citizen. I recommend putting the tax rate at 28% as well.
What I dislike about these type of games is no matter how well I do people who registered a few months before me are always going to be better than me.

No chance you can catch up? Look at top 5 nations, all a year old.
Actually, Raziaar started a nation like 4 months after me and quickly overtook me in terms of income. However, his technology was very, very low, so if he got attacked, his country would have been devastated by a high-tech country. Depends what route you want to take.
I built a nation and then they deleted it because apparently i had multiple nations. such bullshit.