:d :d



stumped upon this site while trying to find stuff on mapping.. im a complete noob to it.. but im extremely interested in doing it.. i've got hl:d dod:s and cs:s.. eh, my steam tag is supermann2390 if anyone wants it.. and uhm.. i hope to learn alot! :D
Hope? Lose all hope, ye who enter here......

*eyes CCTV*

I mean, this is a really great place. Ruled by our great admin party, kept safe by our hard working *coughcommiecough* moderators. Welcome! :D
Hello there, I see you've already met Numbers. You might want to avoid discussions on nationalism and communism with him :LOL: Enjoy your stay
Haha, yeah, Numbers is our resident Communiphobe Fascophile. Anyway, hi! :D
welcome, and be sure to use the forums to their full potential...IE asking for help in the mapping section...
wtf, are your smileys trying to lick their noses or something?
lol.. thanks for all the welcomes guys.. i cant wait to start learning and jump into mapping right away.. and no, my smileys were :D :D.. but it changed em to :d :d.. lol.. :)
Rule no. 1: Absolutely no butt sechs allowed unless I've recieved prior notification and an invitation to join in.

Rule no. 2: Que-ever's pussy is not to be touched under any circumstances.

Rule no. 3: Circumcism is to be charished and adorned.

Rule no. 5: Never eat shredded weat.

Rule no. 6: Stop it!
He has already met numbers. That's the point of no return...
Return of the Jedi!/Return of the King!/Return of the Native!
[[Choose your own Return as best suits your preference/intellect!]]
Welcome! You just earned my respect because of your username.