D-Day 60th Anniversary



60 years ago today, D-day took place. Take a moment today to think of the brave men of the allied expedionary force that braved those beachs 60 years ago today to liberate europe.

Just thought i'd say thankyou to all those men who bravley fought on those beaches :)
Pulse said:
60 years ago today, D-day took place. Take a moment today to think of the brave men of the allied expedionary force that braved those beachs 60 years ago today to liberate europe.


and stop the invasion of the entire world :)
Tinneth said:
and stop the invasion of the entire world :)

No. They invaded back.
Americans, British & Canadians landed on 5 beaches and took 2 miles of shore, in preparation for invasion.

But I honor the memoires of the Germans that died as well, at least the ones that were serving their motherland and didn't had much involvement in the Holocaust.
Sprafa said:
No. They invaded back.
Americans, British & Canadians landed on 5 beaches and took 2 miles of shore, in preparation for invasion.

But I honor the memoires of the Germans that died as well, at least the ones that were serving their motherland and didn't had much involvement in the Holocaust.

yeah, ze all vert zat evil. it realy shows that no one thinks of them outside of germany, most of them were there for the same reasons our troops were fighting, defending their homeland
A handful of Australians were among those men who "saved the world".
WW2 was probably the only war I could honestly say was justified in the 20th century.
Today's an important day to reflect on the lives of all the men who died.

Lest we forget...
leadfish said:
Lest we forget...

those words always send a chill down my spine. they bring up alot of thoughts and memorys ;(
Yea, it's not as if the Germans were evil, they were just fighting for their country. Most of the time the soldiers didn't understand what they were fighting for in the first place.
My grandpa drove them Higgins boats up to the shores of Omaha. And my other grandpa was on the Battleship Texas. Today I shall watch The Longest Day, Saving Private Ryan, and watch some Band of Brothers episodes. Also, I am going to play the D-Day level of Medal of Honor: Allied Assault. :)
Selebration from Normandie on Swedish TV4

Dagen D - Operation Overlord

För sextio år sedan i dag landsteg de allierade i Normandie för att slå tillbaka tyskarna, ett jubileum som uppmärksammas världen över. I Normandie har ett flertal statschefer samlats, bl a George W Bush, Vladimir Putin och Tony Blair. TV4 bevakar firandet på plats. Det blir också rapporter om dagen D för sextio år sedan, ögonvittnen och soldater som deltog i invasionen berättar om sina upplevelser. Erik Arnér finns i studion i Stockholm med inbjudna experter för kommentarer och diskussioner.

So if you live in Sweden then this program migh be interesting to watch. I know I am.
Im still amazed by operation Overlord. Just the sheer size of the whole thing is mind boggling, and its not just the actual battle either. What they did after the beaches were taken was also big, the entire beach was transformed into a gargantuous harbor. If you ever go to Normandy in France you can still see some of the massive concrete blocks they placed in the water to form the harbor, its an incredible sight.
I wish I could be in Normandy today to pay respects to all of those veterans. Truly gutted I couldn't be there :(
Of course the entire Op. Overlord only suceeded b/c Hitler was absolutely convinced that the main landing, near Denmark, would be done by Patton a few days later so he kept most of his forces there.

That's the main reason I hate the Nazis. They were absolute dumbasses.
Sprafa said:
Of course the entire Op. Overlord only suceeded b/c Hitler was absolutely convinced that the main landing, near Denmark, would be done by Patton a few days later so he kept most of his forces there.

That's the main reason I hate the Nazis. They were absolute dumbasses.
They did pretty well for dumbasses, considering their size and the fact that they were surrounded by enemies, yet were still able to make us all remember today the fact that there was a chance we could be speaking German right now.

Hitler was actually very smart, he just went somewhat insane late in the war.
"That's the main reason I hate the Nazis. They were absolute dumbasses."

I thought the main reason to hate Nazi's was the ethnic cleansing they partook in.

Yeh too bad iin 10 years time, there probably wont be any veterans :|
Great respect for all the people who participated in D-Day and gave their lives for it.

But I wonder why don't we have a memorial for the end of the siege on Stalingrad? It was just as big, or even bigger of a turningpoint in the war as D-Day was.
PvtRyan said:
But I wonder why don't we have a memorial for the end of the siege on Stalingrad? It was just as big, or even bigger of a turningpoint in the war as D-Day was.

Good point. The Germans took Stalingrad and the russians took it back, many people killed.
The russians annihilated nearly half of Germanys army, yet no one is having these "memory moments" for them.

20 million russians died in the war...
NeLi said:
The russians annihilated nearly half of Germanys army, yet no one is having these "memory moments" for them.

20 million russians died in the war...

Thats one of the main reasons why the Germans lost the war..because they turned on the russians. If he hadnt done that then they would have most probably won the war.
If the cold war hadn't occured then I guarantee we would be having celebrations for the people who died as Stalingrad as well.
The Mullinator said:
If the cold war hadn't occured then I guarantee we would be having celebrations for the people who died as Stalingrad as well.
Couldn't agree more. The Eastern front deserves much more recognition in the west, since it is very overlooked.

Today, we should not only be remembering those who landed in Normandy, but all who fought in the Second World War.
God bless all of those people. Every single one is a hero.

Never forget. ;(
^Ben said:
I thought the main reason to hate Nazi's was the ethnic cleansing they partook in.

Yeh too bad iin 10 years time, there probably wont be any veterans :|

I consider ethnic cleansing as "dumbass"
The Mullinator said:
Hitler was actually very smart, he just went somewhat insane late in the war.

Late in the War?

he invaded the SU in 1941, the same year the Japanese attacked the USA. Who the **** did he thought he was to take them both at the same time ?

He should have kept with the Russians and crushed the Americans (Canada, USA & Brazil) and the British, then attacked the SU.
Sprafa said:
Late in the War?

he invaded the SU in 1941, the same year the Japanese attacked the USA. Who the **** did he thought he was to take them both at the same time ?

He should have kept with the Russians and crushed the Americans (Canada, USA & Brazil) and the British, then attacked the SU.
Invasion of the Soviet Union: June 22, 1941
Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor: December 7, 1941

Japan was acting on its own when it attacked the US, Germany probably didn't want Japan to do anything to the US.
Humm. Im just going to take a seond to remeber all these that died for our freedom (sounds cheesey). Firsty the Brits, everyone pulling together, i feel we done alot in world war II. And also everyone elce that died Germans and all, im sure alot of them didnt want to fight.

When i watch documentrys about ww2 it always amazes me the shere scale of it all and how many MILLIONS of people died.
My grandpa was in the second wave in on Omaha beach. He was one of the few that survived the 400 yard hell of body parts, blood, snipers, and pill boxes.

Saving Private Ryan is the closest we can get to what carnage happened on that beach. The ocean there was much rougher then some of the other beaches. Farther north the British had the floating tanks at their disposal, which aided their attack. Heros all, they did their job quickly and effectivly.

At Omaha, the ocean sank all but two of the floating tanks. No armor to march behind, or use as a stepping stone to attack the pill boxes. I find it amazing that anyone survived two steps from the landing craft, with all those machine guns and snipers it simply doesn't seem possible, but thank God that some soldiers did.

To the Brave, The humble, the few.

And to my Grandpa, who died last year of cancer.
I salute you all.
Well today I decided to play Call of Duty. I got past the russian tank mission and stopped playing though. But the Stalingrad level was absolutely amazing.
i don't think playing a game or watching a movie is a nice way of remembering it, but do it your own way.

quite a few of my family were involved in WWII in one way or another.

there are lots of unsung heroes in the war. but basically you can boil it down to one thing, every single person who lived through the war should be looked up to and respected. i don't think this generation would be able to live up to that.

to grandparents, parents, uncles, friends, relatives and fellow human beings, thank you for leaving giant strides for us to follow.
In memory of those who gave their lives for freedom

and no, the war was not fought against the german soldiers, it was fought against the nazis. i dont know if any of you have heard of this, but christmas of '44 i think it was, on the allied drive toward germany....somewhere, i dont remember where, both sides laid down their weapons, ceased all combat, and played some football and had dinner. there were the hardcore trained soldiers on both sides that were there just to kill, but the majority of htem were simply fighting for what they knew to fight for, guided or misguided.

Japan was acting on its own when it attacked the US, Germany probably didn't want Japan to do anything to the US.
exactally. Japan attacking the US and dragging them into the war was the very last thing Hitler wanted to happen. although hitler was eventually dragging the us into the war through his submarine warfare, his timeframe was a little bit later.....say, after he got rid of britain and/or russia. he could have taken russia if japan hadnt attacked the us, and had instead put more pressure on russia from the east(which was his plan. like has been said, he wasnt stupid. stupid people dont take control of an entire country while leading a minority party that has no popular platform, and end up conquering 75% of the 1st world nations.).

most people, even those who realize we came pretty close to all speaking german, dont actually realize just HOW close we came....
Jammydodger said:
Respect to all the british that served and fell!.
Don't forget the Americans, Russians, Japanesse, and Germans.Doesn't matter if they was friend or foe...we still need to respect all that lost there life.
Everyone goes about it in their own way. We were involved in D-Day, so its closer to hime than Stalingrad. The Russians have their own remembrance days for events like that.
Tr0n said:
Don't forget the Americans, Russians, Japanesse, and Germans.Doesn't matter if they was friend or foe...we still need to respect all that lost there life.

canadians, polish, hungarians, Australian, Italians, Ethiopians etc...it wasnt just the US and the english that fought ww2