D-Day: Day of Days Mod



If anyone here has played Medal of Honor allied assault they know what I'm talking about. That and add in the HL 2 engine and you have something that rocks. I know DOD is going to port over the HL 2 but that covers a few different aspects of war. In this mod I want to highlight everything that went on June 5, - June 6, 1944. Meaning from the paradrops in France, to the beaches of Normandy, to taking the guns firing on the beaches you will be everything from the 2nd Rangers landing on Normany to the men of Easy Company para jumping behind enemy lines. Being on D-Day it also calls for a variety of secret weapons. I need a team of interested people to be modlers and skinners. I can do maps but still learning 3ds Max but its a fat chance to do a whole mod by yourself. If you are interested email at [email protected] . Also I need ideas about a website. But HL 2 is a way off so the better we get it down on paper the quicker it can come out. If you have any ideas for the mod plz post them here.
I would of called it just Day of Days but I'm sure anyone can understand why I couldn't.

Lol it's like saying doom but weird.
why don't use just call it 'The Days'..
I changed my mind, i've decided its a bloody great name, excellent work, well done. Best mod idea yet, i can't wait to see it.

I suppose I'll get in trouble for saying nice things now LOL
Thanks I just need a team. I can do maps so I don't need a mapper but everything else I pretty much can't do. Also I was thinking on the Omaha beach map to have automated boats, like in MOHAA, and have all but one filled with AI players. Would this be possible to do with multiplayer? I figure that way the Americans always have more players and would probably look like a real Omaha.
I now have a website for the mod. You can find it here.
Nothing much but more will come. You can check the website for news about the mod.
it pains me so say this but you seriously need a new website. talk to the bigger half life 2 community sites that offer hosting. but not before you find someone who is able to build a more functional website.
True but it's only temporary. I mean HL 2 is a way off so there is no hury. Would you recomend any sites that might be interested in hosting my mod?
^Ben said:

Lol it's like saying doom but weird.

You might want to consider reworking the title. As Ben has demonstrated, it is a long acronym, and if you shorten it to Day of Days, then the acronym is DoD...which is also Day of Defeat...and Department of Defense :rolling:
Please. As I said before I'm open for ideas. That includes the title. :E
I want this mod to be good and everyone to like it and the only way to do that is get suggestions and ideas from other people. Also I think I should say what my idea will be for Omaha Beach. When you start you spawn in a boat with others boat around you filled with AI characters. The boat then start to drive to the shore. Noone controls the boat it is automated. Once the boat reaches the shore the ramp lowers and you are let off into hell. What do you guys think. Plus with 36 AI chacters per boat plus 6 boat, not including the one the actual players spawn in, the Americans have the advantage of people everytime. It still won't be easy but atleat it wont be like others in which the teams can be even and americans always lose. With more players they will have a chance. This will be multiplayer. What do you guys thing? :E
why not just make them as maps for DOD: Source, simple. End off.
Yah, I myself have been thinking of making the maps from the Quake 2 D-Day mod for DoD for awhile now.. They've got some very nice maps
Not the same plus I'm doing things a little different then DoD .
Ok I have a website designer and a skinner. Now I really need a modeler and a coder. Plz if you are interested plz post.
robobonds said:
Ok I have a website designer and a skinner. Now I really need a modeler and a coder. Plz if you are interested plz post.
Also more mappers, modelers, and probably coders, if you plan on releasing it before 2012.
Yes I know but I want to get one of each first. Hell of course I need more than one person doing a job but I need anyone of anything.
what talent are you going to be using for the production of this modification?
He said he's mapping.

Anyway, if ya make it, I'd definitely give it a play. :)
Yea the hardest part is the first release but I will definatly get it done. But as I said I still need another mapper, a coder, another skinner and 2 modelers. So please if you have any of these abilities please email and join the mod. Also here is a mod outline so you guys can get a better idea of it.

Here is a outline that lists everything I want to do with my mod D-Day: Day of Days mod. Also incase anyone is woduring the title come from the title of the 2nd Band of Brothers.

What I plan to have in my Mod.

Full Gore: With the physics system in place this shouldn't be too hard but what I mean is if someone gets hit in the leg with a mortar then they don't have that leg anymore. Also if you lose a leg that is instant death cause obviously your guy can't walk.

Health and Pain: I plan to have a heath and pain meter. When you get shot you fall down and must call for a medic to help you. When you take on damage you also take on pain. Once your wound is fixed your pain will gradually go down or you can tell the medic to give you a shot of morphine and your pain quickly goes down. Medics only have 5 shots of morphine so use them wisly. If your pain meter is up then you move mre slowly and your aim become less and less acurate.

Levels: I plan on starting out with all the battle that went on to make sure Operation Overlord is a suceess. That means I'll have Normandy, Easy Company paratroopers, British gliders, and the French resistance. If the mod is liked then I'll gradually add battles to the mod in the order in which they were fought. So it will start out D-Day and if liked will go to D-Day +.

Weapons. All weapons will have true stats and true acurasy. Also most weapons will let you be able to look into the sights, like in CoD, and some like the .30 Cal and MG 42 requires you to look into the sights if you want to hit anything because they will have no aim dot or cross. Also weapon packs like the sniper, .30 Cal must be found usally near you spawn point. You cannot pick it out to begin with. There will also only be a certain amount of them around.


Infantry: M1 Garand, 2 grenades, combat knife, bayonet: Note while in bayonet mode you can shoot but cannot use sights.

Infantry is the main force of the army. They carry a little bit of everything and have an acurate weapon. Downside is the M1 Garand i very slow to reload so its best to just use whats in the clip and then reload.

Officer: M1 Thompson, 2 grenades, combat knife, Colt 1911, binoculars

There are few Officers on the field. They are the combat leaders. They have a Tommy gun and the usual stuff but they are also they only ones to carry the Colt 1911. So if you kill someone and get a Colt 1911 you know that person was an Officer.

Machine Gunner: BAR, 2 grenades, combat knife

Machine gunner is the support of the group. Because the BAR is so heavy they move rather slow.

Medic: Colt 1911, Medic pack, 5 morphine syringes, combat knife

Medic is your best friend. If you get shot he's the one and only one who can help you. He also has a nice supply of morphine but don't take to much or you'll be sorry.

Enginear: M1 Carbine, 2 grenades, bangalores, combat knife, mines

Need something blownup? Then call the enginear. Armed with an M1 Carbine he's not much of a fighter but has enough expolsives to blow up a bridge.

The Axis is basically the same just replace these weapon and you'll know axis:

M1 Garand=K98

Colt 1911=P08

M1 Thompson=MP40


M1 Carbine=K98

Voice chat. Voice chat will definatly be a part of the game and anyone can hear it within a 5-15 ft radias. That also inclues the Germans. Now if you use a radio then only your teamates can hear you but the radios are only at certain points.

Vehicles. Some vehicles will be automated such as the landing scraft at Omaha and the C47s with paratroops in them. The reason for this is you start off in them and I don't want fighting on "let me drive" or "go there" . But there will be drivable vehicle in the game which include jeeps, tanks and water craft. Oh and lets not forget planes.

AI. On almost all maps I plan to add a litte npcs to make the battles seem more intense. Like Omaha for example I plan to have a lot of npcs mainly on the American side.

Any ideas please post. And yes the D-Day mod if liked will be going past D-Day in the order that the battle happen. And I still need coders, modelers, and possibly another mapper.