D3: Ressurection of Evil

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Oct 15, 2003
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Why are you posting here with this I hear you cry? Okay it's got nothing to do with HL2 except for one of the new weapons that bears a striking similarity to the gravity gun. I've seen people speaking about this before (I don't think it was here. I think it was on the Steam forums) but I wasn't sure if it was just a rumour. Seems like it's the real deal though;


The expansion will also introduce at least three new weapons, the first of which is the oft-requested double-barrel shotgun that played a prominent part in the first Doom games. The other is being termed the Ionized Levitation Weapon, otherwise known as the "grabber gun," which has more than a passing resemblance to Half-Life 2's gravity gun. The grabber gun will take advantage of Doom 3's physics engine by allowing you to pick up and manipulate objects. It will also have combat applications where you can capture incoming fireballs and rocket warheads and redirect them away from you.
And according to a preview on Yahoo games it was an idea id were toying with long before HL2's gravity gun was revealed. Erm. Not sure what to make of that. In any case it will be interesting to see how much this new weapon shows of Doom3's physics engine & see how it shapes up against Source.


Finally, and in keeping with the game's new combat engineer star, there's a physics-based weapon called the Ionized Plasma Levitator, or Grabber. "Physics plug-ins are just fun," Stratton said, and the Grabber will let players throw around smaller creatures and slam them into walls, fling barrels at enemies, and even pluck projectiles like fireballs or rockets out of the air.

Sounds a lot like Half-Life 2? As coincidence would have it, the Grabber was an idea the developers had been considering ever since they started Doom 3's level design. "The way we populated levels with objects was to drop them in, then start throwing them about with the cross-hair," Hooper told us. "It seemed like fun, so we attached a weapon to it.

All in all i'd say as far as Doom 3 is concerned, a gravity gun is pretty useless, and id say Id are trying to leech off HL2 with their little gimmick.

The physics engine in Doom3 is godawful, the AI is nonexistant, the objects vary little.

In HL2 you can use a radiator say as a bullet shield, in Doom3, the enemies would stand blindly shooting at you because that's what their AI tells them too.

In HL2 you can utilise toilets, explosive barrels, cinder blocks watermelons and a range of other thing.

In Doom3 you would get to chuck crates, (fewer) explosive barrels and occasionally a coke can.

and their 'Hell (Bullet) Time'' feature is just a shameless leech off every game ever to feature slow motion since Max Payne.
Yeah, this was announced a few weeks (a month?) ago, pretty old news.

Personally, i dont think theres much of a physics engine in thier to make use of (doom 3) unless id really push it hard, but we'll see.
Samon said:
Personally, i dont think theres much of a physics engine in thier to make use of (doom 3) unless id really push it hard, but we'll see.

Yeah thats was I was thinking as well :)

Wasn't there a wet floor cone or something at the begining of the game that had physics? Maybe its for that :E
As coincidence would have it, the Grabber was an idea the developers had been considering ever since they started Doom 3's level design. "The way we populated levels with objects was to drop them in, then start throwing them about with the cross-hair," Hooper told us. "It seemed like fun, so we attached a weapon to it.
"We saw it in Half Life 2 and nicked the idea."
well, lets see if Doom 3's physics engine will be able to match the awesome power of source. Since im also a doom 3 fan... i hope this will bring joy to all Doom fans.
Doom 3 isnt all that horrible but it is pretty bad.
The only thing i can award it on is the graphics and shaders
Well Doom 3 stole pretty much everything in it from other games so why stop there?

(don't give me that 'Doom 3 is inspired on Doom so it was the first to do everything' crap)
as the topic creator say

why you all cry about that?

I think Valve will not care and maybe they will feel honored to see that others companyes are inspired in theyr ideas,cuz nobody knows if that Graber gun will be exactly like the manipulator

but everybody cry about that like if ID stole them something

so thats Killzone is a rip off of HL2 cuz all the enemyes wear gasmasks
<RJMC> said:
as the topic creator say

why you all cry about that?

I think Valve will not care and maybe they will feel honored to see that others companyes are inspired in theyr ideas,cuz nobody knows if that Graber gun will be exactly like the manipulator

but everybody cry about that like if ID stole them something

so thats Killzone is a rip off of HL2 cuz all the enemyes wear gasmasks
Well if ID said "Our insperation for it was from the 'gavity gun' in half life 2" im sure alot less people would be annoyed, but they decide to act like they originally had the idea....

I like doom 3, but for its lineal storyling gameplay
OMG Half Life stole the pistol idea from doom, shotgun from doom, and the hole entire aliens teleporting into research base killing people idea. SO STFU.
Spectre01 said:
OMG Half Life stole the pistol idea from doom, shotgun from doom, and the hole entire aliens teleporting into research base killing people idea. SO STFU.

Correct me if Im wrong, but didnt Dooms story have something to do with marines being sent to Phobos, one of Mars' moons, then your buddies die and your left on your own? Nothing to do with aliens teleporting into a research facility on Earth.
Pistols and shotguns are actual real life weapons, shocking eh? :p
heh, what physics does D3 have that they need a gravity gun?

Doom 3 will always be a lesser game than Half-Life 2. The fact that they feel that they have to rip off of it is evidence.
I like how they just steal ideas from other games. Id really does suck at making games. awesome engines, though.
Gee, Doom3 isn't the only game that will have a gravity gun. Half-Life 2 is revolutionary, I believe, in the way it uses physics, but it isn't going to be the only game to use a gravity gun! Half-Life 1 introduced storytelling to FPS games, now all try to do that, it will be the same with physics.

For the record, Doom3 uses the same physics engine as HL2. Unbelievable, but true, it's also Havok. The real difference is that physics are applied to few objects in Doom3, and the majority of objects in HL2. But the engine's the same. If you do shoot those cardboard boxes in Doom3, they'll behave just as realistically as objects in HL2. If physics applied to all objects in Doom3, it would be a better game, but would be even more of a resource hog than now.

And for the story, the Half-Life 1 story is very similar to the Doom story. Look at this.
Doom: A huge corporation is conducting teleporation experiments. HL: A government facility is conducting teleportation experiments. Doom: An experiment goes wrong and a dimensional rift is created. HL: An experiment goes wrong and a dimensional rift is created. Doom: Monsters from Hell teleport. HL: Aliens from Xen teleport. Doom: The few marines are slaughtered, you have to go in yourself. HL: The security forces are helpless, you have to go in yourself.

So, the basic setting of Doom and HL is very similar. In fact, the 1998 reviews noted that "the story of Half-Life is actually a slightly more elaborate version of the story in Doom".

ID and Valve can get along. Valve admits to liking Doom3 as a game, Carmack says compliments about HL2. The thing is, the games ID and Valve make are intended to have (and do have) different styles of gameplay.
Well said, Solver. Doom was, after all, The original FPS that inspired all others (If you don't count Wolfenstien 3D but that was way back when the PC wasn't even considered as a platform for games).

And all of these games can co-exist quite happily despite having strong parallels. Some games do things better than others. that's the way it's going to be until we have the power & technology to attain the best of all worlds. What would that be I wonder? Here's my choices;

Doom1/2: Pure no nonsense gameplay/Action
Doom3: Lighting/FX/Sound
HL: Story driven gameplay/A.I./Combat
HL2: Physics/Music/Variety of locations/Realistic human characters & animation
Far Cry: Expansive & hugely explorable landscapes
Halo: Overall polish & presentation/Combat (IMO Matched only by HL1)
Yeah, agreed on above choices, although I believe the HL2 AI to be far superior to that in HL1 (though for some reason it seems to behave differently on different comps). For instance, if you move a lot in HL1, the grunts would just run in a direction that is wrong, and you'd gun them from the behind. But other than that, completely agreed with you.
ID has made modifications, too. Apply physics to all objects, and you'll get what looks like HL2 in the physics department and runs at 2 FPS on the best modern computers.
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