

Jul 26, 2005
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I broke up with my Girlfriend before i went on my mission. She cheated on me for some punk ass kid. I forgave her on my mission and i get sent home early. We talk, I wind up kissing her, and it turns out i still have feelings for her.

But just barely this other girl in town comes to my house and wants to hang out and a lot more. Its so tempting to go with this girl.

Go with the girl. Your "gf" cheated on you, you expect her not to again?
Ah, the joy's of getting involved with the ex, happening with me too dude, it is tough.

I would say follow your heart...but that isn't always the best thing to do.

Screw it, go with the most attractive one :E
I broke up with my Girlfriend before i went on my mission. She cheated on me for some punk ass kid. I forgave her on my mission and i get sent home early. We talk, I wind up kissing her, and it turns out i still have feelings for her.

But just barely this other girl in town comes to my house and wants to hang out and a lot more. Its so tempting to go with this girl.


I would argue that she doesn't care much for you if she's cheating on you. She should have dumped you if she wanted to go out with the other guy, the punk ass kid. The fact that she chose to cheat on you instead is just...cruel.

I'd go for the one who hasn't betrayed you.
Go with the other girl, your ex clearly has no respect for you, trust me. what would stop her from doing it again?
Murder the EX and wrap the new girl up in the EX's skin.

Win Win.
I broke up with my Girlfriend before i went on my mission. She cheated on me for some punk ass kid.
How can she cheat on you if you broke up?
"breaking up" implies the person is available again.
How can she cheat on you if you broke up?
"breaking up" implies the person is available again.

He broke up with her after she cheated on him. Simple. You just have to read what he said differently.
The easiest thing to do in a situation like this is to have an open relationship instead. If you can have sex with whoever you want, everyone is happy.
Also...your "mission"? Are you Tom Cruise? D:
Wow, no wonder Christians go on missions, with all the totty waiting for them.
No he's Brad Pitt. Duh.

Maybe after my nose job..... yes im getting a nose job.

However its more functional. Basically i have a damn whistle plastered to my face, I can hardly force air thru my smeller.

Anyway, its hard for me to just bag the whole thing with my Ex. And my family isn't very fond of this girl, but I really love her. Just afraid to love her again :bonce:
New girl. Girls who cheat on their boyfriends piss me off to no extent.
You DO NOT go back with a girl you have broken up with, especially under circumstances like these. You want to strike the "I still have feelings for her" mindset from your head. Almost everybody has feelings for their significant other after they break up; more often than not, that's how it is. However, you need to realize that it's over and it's not worth getting back into.

She cheated on you. I will say, you must be a very kind person to forgive her a trespass like that, but don't lower yourself to going back to her after she did something like that just because you have lingering feelings for her. It makes you look desparate, weak, and puts you in a position of vulnerability. And like Tr0n said, you expect her not to do it again? Especially with the image you'd be casting on yourself? (Going back to her after she did it the first time would seem that you're willing to forgive her a second time, maybe a THIRD time, and on and on)

Cut it off with your ex. You forgave her, that's that. Go hang out with this new girl.
Make wild crazy sex video with new girl. Mail copies of said video to EX, Ex's mother, Grandmother, father, grandfather, uncles, aunts, neighbors, me, etc...
The easiest thing to do in a situation like this is to have an open relationship instead. If you can have sex with whoever you want, everyone is happy.

My jealusy(sp) would get the better of me.
"Afraid to love again?".

I think what you actually need is a boyfriend.
There is one thing that can solve anything! Heads or Tails?
If your girlfriend will let you, hit it one last time. Then leave her, and begin things with the new girl.
Tell 'em you're a gay space pirate going out on a mission into the galaxy to find the ultimate turd. Go with the one that doesn't dump you straight away. Probably neither.

Or you could go with my previoud advice of a good cockslapping. Not that it would do you any good, but it would be fun at least. For us.

.. I'm not very good at this 'advice' thing, am I?
God pwned you.

Next time don't play with yourself at night, and he won't make the girl you love cheat on you.
Your GF cheated on your already. It will happen again. The time apart made you 2 think and like eachother more expecting things wouldnt be the crappy old relationship it was before. Unfortunately thats exactly what it will boil back down to and you will wind up in the gutter once again. Don't get back together with your old gf, find a new girl and move on.
Bang your ex one more time... then tell her you *might* have gonorrhea. I hear the test to determine if you have it or not is quite unpleasant. After she has taken the test, tell her you don't have any stds.
Ahahaha, I like my ex-gf's sister now.

Ohh boy
I only have pics of my ex. Aint gonna release em though. Seems a little weird to do that on the internet. I dunno, would you do it?