daerht siht ni sdrawkcab klat s'teL .syug olleH

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Sep 13, 2006
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.ti yrT .nuf fo tol a s'tI .klat sdrawkcab nwo ruoy etareneg ot ti esu ot eerf leeF .egassem neddih ym rehpyced uoy pleh dluohs tpircsavaj elpmis yrev sihT .ysae yrev s'tI .sdrawkcab klat d'I hcihw ni daerht a trats d'I derugif I os derob fo dnik ma I

<html><script type="text/javascript">
backwards("Type your message here");
function backwards(s){for (var i=s.length-1;i>=0;i--) document.write(s.charAt(i));}
Umm.. wtf?

WHo would want to talk backwards?
I will kick your ass for this thread.

edit: Frighteningly, I can read backwards at a reasonable speed.

-Angry Lawyer
?uoy t'ndid ,tnemmoc ".daerhtoediV" ym morf aedi taht elots uoY
Hey guys... if you type dog backwards, it spells god... lololololololololololol
.dnimreven mmu ...ees s'teL .sdrawkcab kaeps I fi sretlif ytinaforp eht dnuora teg nac I fi rednow I
MGlcowG fo fHG ?nualG` mG aof tnu guq agwGz'

I,w pGffGL gf fHiz pgckmgLqz zHisslG fHgu gll λ,gll` pifcHGz'
*Blood splatters on wall.*
*Bullet passes through skull*
*Bullet leaves chamber of gun*
*/me holds up gun to head and pulls trigger*
Yes, yes, speaking backwards is even cooler than 1337 sp33k.
Thank god! Now we're all released from that horrible spell.

/cheap Oblivion ripoff or something
**** this thread... my eyes hurt.
Yeah, rael fnuny, but wiinrtg lkie tihs is eevn bteetr, it is mcuh eiaesr to raed too.

I wtroe a Jvaa aeplpt to tralsatne txet lkie this, it is not pfeerct, but it wkros.
Yeah, rael fnuny, but wiinrtg lkie tihs is eevn bteetr, it is mcuh eiaesr to raed too.

I wtroe a Jvaa aeplpt to tralsatne txet lkie this, it is not pfeerct, but it wkros.

Freaky after watching first episode of Red Dwarf III when they are on Earth which runs in reverse!
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