Daigasso! Band Brothers


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
Reaction score
Played this game for the Nintendo DS..and..it made me want to buy a DS just for this game. Granted it's just a Japanese game right now, and when it is brought over from Japan, it won't be the same name.

Just think Dance Dance Revolution, but instead of steps, you insert an instrument from a song on the game. They remove, say, the drums. You gotta push the buttons to add them back in. Granted it tells you what buttons to push *Up/down/A/X/etc...* but it's really fun. Its great when you mess up, you can TELL because a weird sound just comes through. Kind of like playing the Flute, and messing up, a high pitched squeel. Yeah, you can just tell you screwed up.

Anyway yeah...I love that game *tear* Possibly the funnest part is guessing what buttons to push. They are all Japanese, so Trial and Error ensue from that...God knows I reset the game many times...

*EDIT* Just for S&G's, have a picture
This was my most anticipated DS game for ages. I love the idea of multilpayer... each DS takes command of a different instrument, and everyone works together to play a tune! :D Hammy improvised singing optional!

My mate has just bought me a copy in Japan, and he should be back with it soon. Can't wait to knock up some choonz in the edit mode. :bounce:
It gets exponentially more enjoyable with the more ppl that are playing :)

Single player is ok, 3/4 player is amazing (I can only imagine how much fun it is 8 player, but I don't know that many peole with a DS)
*sprays troll repellent*

They're going to release an expansion pack for this game too. A whole set of new tracks which will be loaded into the game via GBA cartridge.

Can't remember where I read that, might find it later
DreadLord1337 said:

Nobody cares kktnx, Get out.

Anyway, Yeah, I havn't played this multiplayer yet, only know one person with a DS..and it's not me. :D So yeah, the games fun by itself, can only imagine how fun with 4+
Woah, it looks better than... whatsitcalled... Electroplankton!

And that's hard. Electroplankton is like crack, but for your ears.
I own the game, got it from www.ncsx.com , and I love it. Warbie is right, though, it gets better the more people playing.
Have you played Electroplankton, Jintor?

I've been very tempted to pick it up. It looks like a great way to kill some time, especially with a few friends :)
It's great. It's like... crack, for your ears.


Well, it is...!
I got Band Bros yesterday, played a bit of multiplayer. Niether of us knew how to play it and we were both crap, it sounded awful! :laugh:

It was hilarious though. I'm currently honing my skillz for the next match-up.

How do I unlock the Pro Edit mode btw?
Looks pretty sweet. Is it confirmed for the U.S.?
Noobulon said:
I got Band Bros yesterday, played a bit of multiplayer. Niether of us knew how to play it and we were both crap, it sounded awful! :laugh:

It was hilarious though. I'm currently honing my skillz for the next match-up.

How do I unlock the Pro Edit mode btw?
There is a "single player mission" sort of thing. You gotta live through all 3 levels, you die if you miss too many. And after that you unlock HARDER difficulties, and I'm sure you can end up unlocking the pro edit. I havn't done that yet...havn't had a chance to play the game again :( I need to buy the game/hand held.