dam I am bored,are you?

dam I am bored,are you?

  • Total voters
Yeah, but I'm actually going to go out in a few minutes and mow all 3.5 acres of my lawn with a walking lawnmower while high.

Dancing potatoes!

Yeah, yeah I am. Pretty much just been filling time all night, and now I'm going to bed!

I know, I confuse me too.
I'm studying for my geology exam. I wonder why you'd want to slice up the evolution of earth to such ridiculous detail :|
I'm studying for my geology exam. I wonder why you'd want to slice up the evolution of earth to such ridiculous detail :|

So they have something to ask questions about in the geology exam.
I'm always bored. I even have to motivate myself to do fun stuff. I should be drawing right now.

Also, voted hail Caesar.
Yankee Doodle went to town, riding on a pony. He stuck a feather in his hat, and called it macarena.
And you insult my thread which actually had a meaning?

Yeah, I'm bored, but I'll start up some CSS.
Yeah, but I'm actually going to go out in a few minutes and mow all 3.5 acres of my lawn with a walking lawnmower while high.


Done it! It's best when it's not miserably hot outside though, and North Carolina in the summer = miserably hot.

It's hard to be bored when you have Zombie Master.