Damn I own!(ghosting SC:CT)

May 22, 2003
Reaction score
I'm playing my second time thru the game, this time on expert and completely ghosting the missions...that is completely avoid enemies except for the mission critical ones. I also complete all objectives including the bonus objectives...only a 100% rating will satisfy the true stealth gamer!

so far I've done the first fife missions...I'm at the chineese tea house one now...and I have a feeling it will be a tough one in the end. I will make the effort none the less.

a little info:

lighthouse: this one is actually from an old run thru(my first time ghosting a mission) I can complete that level in my sleep from playing the demo too much...and I've ghosted it in around 10 minutes but didn't take a screenshot.

maria narcissa(or whateevr): ;( just noticed that I apparently forgot to get a screenshot of the rating screen(if you need it I can get it though)...anyways it was a 100% rating with only one kill/knockout(actually I can't rememebr what he counts as)...Hugo.

bank: nothing special to add.

penthouse: this was a pretty tough one. mainly because SC3 doesn't make it particularly easy for you to keep track of your objectives...so secondary objectives aren't listed at the map or the goal screen. which resulted in me getting to the extraction point only to get a 85% rating at first because I was missing the secondary objective...it turns out that to complete the secondary objective you need to grab one of the guys near the plant house in the end of the level :sleep: which of course I had been avoiding since I was going ghost mode...as a result I had to backtrack the whole level again to grab the guy and get the info...then get back to the extraction point again...which is also why that level took me so long.

displace: to be honest I didn't think I'd be able to pull this one off...but I did. pretty though map for ghosting...one particular situation comes to mind...had to get into a pretty well lit area(with no means to put out the light...light from windows) and stay there eaves dropping to a conversersion while two guards was patrolling close to me with there flash ligths out.

that's all for now...I will be updating as I progress. here's a challenge for ya...do better!


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actually thats pretty ownage, I can barely go through a level without killing anyone.. lol
Jebus, I tried ghosting that New York level, Penthouse I think, I got an 82% because I didn't reveal the freaking important guy or something. Argh. 0 knockouts 0 kills 0 spotted 0 everything :<
*watches prince of space silently walk up behind shadow-warrior and breaks his neck* :O
The only levels I can't get 100% on is the last 2, The bathhouse is really bad because they find me in the vents if I get too close...and the guards in the last room almost always find me.
Ghosting the game is real easy. To get past the 3 laser eye guards in the bathhouse you just throw 2 smoke grenades where they are, throw a flash then run past them.
xLostx said:
*watches prince of space silently walk up behind shadow-warrior and breaks his neck* :O

that would reduce my rating...I'd rather choke him till he passes out...
Pesmerga said:
Jebus, I tried ghosting that New York level, Penthouse I think, I got an 82% because I didn't reveal the freaking important guy or something. Argh. 0 knockouts 0 kills 0 spotted 0 everything :<

like I said you need to grab one of the two guys in the plant house...
xLostx said:
*watches prince of space silently walk up behind shadow-warrior and breaks his neck* :O

He can't do that, it's not ghosting.
That game looks like it would take way to long to actually finish. I saw missions being completed in 20-60 minutes. That is way to long.
Shamrock said:
That game looks like it would take way to long to actually finish. I saw missions being completed in 20-60 minutes. That is way to long.

The chapters in HL2 lasted a couple hours each.
Pressure said:
The chapters in HL2 lasted a couple hours each.
Yes, this is true, but they were divided into separate parts, and their was plenty of action to make it seem like it was a short time. This game is just stealth plus patience. Stealth games slow down time pretty much because they force you to take your time instead of rushing through blasting away at the enemies.
Well, maybe some people like slow games more than faster ones.
I know this already Pressure. I like more fast action paced games. I can't stand to walk around silent and doing nothing for a good 15 minutes using heat vision goggles to see a man behind 3 walls 10 feet away from you having to sneak into the dark area and then make sure he doesn't find you. That pace is just too slow for me meaning I have no patience. :)
just finished Hokkaido...once again I missed a secondary objective and had to backtrack quite a bit to pry a microphone out the wall :dozey: this mission I also had quite a couple of nerve wrecking moments(and a lot of reloads :-p ) but I also found a lot of interesting routes and places to make fun assaults for the next time where I will kill everybody on the maps :devil: (quite a few places where you can yank people over the railing/inverted neck break...which is definitly one of my favourite ways to get rid of people, closely followed by smacking a door into their face :devil: )



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i'm sorry... i pwnz0r WAY more than you do

only shot i have, since i have the xbox version i'll have to redo some missions (after i find time to beat the game :p) and take shots


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I got killed by a door once.

I was about to leave a room I'd been in, went to open the door and it flew back at me sending me flying across the room to end up dead in a heap.
As the camera turned to red with 'Mission Over' I could just see an empty doorway with no one about.

Was a bit spooky at the time but I guess its a rare bug.
One alarm is triggered in the Bank always, correct?
Why is the "Rating" in the second pitcure misspelt?
I doubt it's fake, because why would he need to touch that word? He'd just need to edit the numbers. Also, some other screenshots have the ":" after the word and some dont. Strange though...
StardogChampion said:
I doubt it's fake, because why would he need to touch that word? He'd just need to edit the numbers. Also, some other screenshots have the ":" after the word and some dont. Strange though...

maybe he's bad at photoshop :P
Fliko said:
One alarm is triggered in the Bank always, correct?
no, if you use 2nd-fire on your pistol aiming at the trip it'll fizzle out and you can pass through cleanly
StardogChampion said:
I doubt it's fake, because why would he need to touch that word? He'd just need to edit the numbers. Also, some other screenshots have the ":" after the word and some dont. Strange though...
If you read the rest of the thread then you'd know that the letters come up in a typwriting fashion. And he just took screenies at different points.
ok before any one else jump the gun, I admit that photoshop was involved but not for whatever reasons some of you might be thinking... I know I should probably have adressed the issue when it first came up but I was trying to figure out the problem on the splintercell forum first to see if I could get new screenshots...

fact is that the screenshots came out bugged when using the print screen ...with text missing and most noteworthy the rating missing(or half missing in some cases)...and also the buttons at the bottom(which I actually first noticed when it was pointed out in here)...so I simply took the rating from the bank screenshot(which wasn't bugged save for the missing % sign) and pasted into some of the other screenshots, which is why you have a missing "g" and a missing ":" in some of the shots(they're not missing because of poor photoshop, they're missing due to the bug with screenshotting)...when I look back I should probably just have taking the entire bottom bar instead of simply the rating :p (but at the time I hadn't noticed the missing "g" and ":")

the ratings are legit though which you can also tell from the statistics above...those statistics will result in a 100% rating assuming you completed primary, secondary and opportunist objectives, which I did. also as someone mentioned it hardly makes sense to edit out the buttons at the bottom.

anyways if anyone know a way to take screenshots not using the print screen key(have a feeling this is why the screenshots are bugged)...I could probably take some new screenies, I think on most of the maps I should have a save game fairly close to the end of the level.

also coming up soon rating screen for the missile battery mission...gonna be a tough one especially when I have to race time with all the guys still around because I haven't knocked them out :D
ok finnally finished this game almost ghosting 100%

here's from the last mission aswell as the overall screen.

a few notes, it seems that I didn't take any screen caps of Seoul and the bathhouse end screens...probably because I got too pissed or disenchanted with the fact that the splintercell team would make a mission where 100% ghosting isn't possible or pretty damn near impossible(bathhouse)...

the battery I accidentially had to knock out a guard, I first later in the mission found an alternative route around him but couldn't be bothered doing it over...the second guy is the general/corporal/whatever that you need to intorregate(sp?) to complete one of the objectives...

for the Seoul mission that could actually have been a 100% success rating but I messed up the save games and forgot my progress. that is the mission was in fact entirely ghosted(you have to take my word for it) but at some point in the mission there was a very hard part I had to do over a couple of times...when I finally succeeded I forgot to hack one of the radars(which I had hacked on all my previous attempts) since splintercell is somewhat dodgy in keeping track of especially opportunist objectives...I first found out about this at the end of the mission at a point where you can't return to the previous locations...I got pissed and couldn't bother doing half the mission over for just this little detail. so that missed objective is why the rating is only 94%

as for the bath house I simply gave up ghosting in the end...I actually made it past the 3 guards in the bathroom but the cost was that I used all my smoke nades...now the next part was impossible, I hated this part the first time thru the game, and of course I hated it even more trying to ghost my way thru it. in the end, I once again lost my temper...I could quite likely have gotten thru this mission with a 100% rating for simply taking the enemies in this part out using non-lethal force...but like I said I lost my temper and just descided to kill them all in frustration(I only had 2 sticky shockers...and the airfoil rounds have little effect on the helmet/kevlar wearing/thermal vision-guards in this part...and there is 3 so..pow pow instead)...so the knock in the rating is from killing these 3 guards...as I said non lethal force and it could have been 100%

anyways enjoy!

now I will probably take a last trip thru this game...except this time I will kill every enemy and in the most creative ways possible...:D


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bam23 said:
thehunter killed your scores. :|

actually he didn't...he got two knockouts, only one is required to complete the mission which means he didn't ghost the level entirely...

on that note if I was allowed to take out another guard(one of the patroling once near the end) I could probably have cut my 10 minutes record down to 3 mins aswell...