Damn-it motivation!


Sep 7, 2004
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Does anyone else have this annoying experience of just not being motivated? It's really bugging me, I just can't get any work done.

I think to myself, I will do this work straight a way... instead I watch TV. I'll do it after this TV program... I sit at the PC and play games instead (time passes). I'll just stay up all night and force myself to do it... ah sod it, I'm too tired, I'll do it in the morning. *Whole process repeats*.

I need to stop this but It's so addictivly hard not to be put off. :hmph:
I get this sometimes. But I'm lucky because I'm the type of person that can still pass/get something finished if I do it at the last minute. Apparently... :P
A handy tip:

Get a timer on your phone or whatever. Set it too 10 minutes, then just tell yourself you will work as hard/fast as possible for ten minutes and then have a break for however long, then go back for 10 minutes.
Yeah, I get that, but you really just have to kick yourself into the spirit.

Inspire yourself with a reward e.g. You'll get a beer tonight if you get through everything you promised. Be strict with yourself. Noone else is going to tell you to do it, you've got to make the jump yourself.

Solaris's idea of breaks is good. At University, I studied in short bursts, with short breaks in between. I did 5 - 15 minute work periods, with 5 minute breaks in between. You do need regular breaks to stretch your mind, and allow things to sink in. Don't fall into the trap of taking a permanent break though.

Try unplugging your TV etc.
Yeah, i'm a serial procrastinator. The funny thing is that you do things you wouldnt usually do, and convince yourself that what you're doing is more important than what you have to do. Thankfully i've graduated from Uni now, so all the last-minute-rush-attempts have paid off :D

I just know deep down that my life would be so much easier if I could comit to doing things early, and have the mindset and motivation to get things done.

Once during a very heavy procrastination session (I knew how bad it was getting at the time) I researched into the 'disability' and discovered it's actually caused by a fear of failure, or a fear of not doing things to the best of your ability (we're perfectionists) ... You'd think it would be the other way around, but it isn't.
It happens to me all the time. Usually I find that if I just open Maya or whatever program I am using, then I will feel forced to do work. Once I start I usually spend a couple hours on it. Its just getting started thats hard.
Yeah, i'm a serial procrastinator. The funny thing is that you do things you wouldnt usually do, and convince yourself that what you're doing is more important than what you have to do. Thankfully i've graduated from Uni now, so all the last-minute-rush-attempts have paid off :D

I just know deep down that my life would be so much easier if I could comit to doing things early, and have the mindset and motivation to get things done.

Once during a very heavy procrastination session (I knew how bad it was getting at the time) I researched into the 'disability' and discovered it's actually caused by a fear of failure, or a fear of not doing things to the best of your ability (we're perfectionists) ... You'd think it would be the other way around, but it isn't.

Ah, so that's why it's so difficult to get started on difficult things!

Makes sense.
Once during a very heavy procrastination session (I knew how bad it was getting at the time) I researched into the 'disability' and discovered it's actually caused by a fear of failure, or a fear of not doing things to the best of your ability (we're perfectionists) ... You'd think it would be the other way around, but it isn't.
Thank you for justifying my procrastination even more. :P
I don't find that procrastination has much affect in the work environment. Since I'm there, I might as well do some work!

It's just when you're in your comfort zone really.
Find what you are most passionate about and devote your life to it. Great motivater. :)
I blame TV and not having enough hours in a day. Unfortunately I also lack the motivation to turn the TV off, and increasing the number of hours in a day is impossible. Doh.
I've recently become a victim of procrastination, but it usually turns out well in the end, luckily.

In my Windows XP class we are assigned work on a Thursday or a Friday, and need to pass in the work by the following Saturday. In otherwords, we have a week and a bit to do it.

I don't have classes on Friday, but I usually work Friday nights, and always during the day on Saturdays. So yesterday (Friday) I wake up and figure I'll get it done so I don't have to worry about it on Saturday before work. I open up this stupid website instead, browse the forums for a bit, then check out the other forums I visit too. I also happened to stumble upon that missle game which was extremely fun and addicting. Got to level 7 or something until I decided I had enough and should get to work.

Then I decide I don't have enough time, I'll play World of Warcraft until work and worry about it on Saturday.

So I set my alarm for 10:00 (don't have to be to work until 3:00) and get the work done, and e-mail it in. I don't know, just sometimes I work better under pressure. The work I did was fantastic, just I procrastinated a lot more than I really wanted to. Oh well, so far this year it has been working out ok, I've only not completed one assignment that I completely forgot about, out of about fifty.

Oh, also we have to complete these journals by 4:00 on Fridays, I realized I hadn't done it at 3:49 on Friday. I finished it in time though :P

When I'm actually working at my job though, I rarely put things off. I just have this thing inside me that second guesses everything I do or don't do. Like today I saw a garbage bag that was getting really full and looked like it was gonna break off of the hinges and make a huge mess. I was off in about five minutes so I could have left it, and I was walking away but I turned around and threw it out and put up a new one. I don't know, I just kept thinking it would suck if it broke on someone and they had to clean it up, and how much I would hate have that happen to me. I'm still a major slacker in general, but those little things I try to get done, even if I have to think twice.
A handy tip:

Get a timer on your phone or whatever. Set it too 10 minutes, then just tell yourself you will work as hard/fast as possible for ten minutes and then have a break for however long, then go back for 10 minutes.

This works, well, sort of, the timer is still going and I'm sitting here typing this instead of my work but I still managed to do a little bit, it's almost like your competiting against yourself to do as much work as possible in that time, then have a break and try to beat it the next 10minutes.
I once procratisnated my english courswork for a whole 2 years. I got to the point where I had 3 essasy to write within a week. I ended up writing this essay for a whole sunday, took me a full 9 hours.
I think a major reason no one gets work done, or put it off to the last minute is because they don't care. For example, I get homework from math/law...do i do them? No. Why? Because both subjects don't interest me in the least bit at all.

When I get computer engineering homework? Do I do it? Yes. Why? Because that class is actually pretty cool and interesting and pretty useful.

I have a hell of a lot of math homeowrk to do this weekend, but theres no way i'm doing it before 10-11 pm tonight.
But at college, I could work all day. I work through breaks and lunch a lot of the time, because the work is just so interesting. At home, though, I just can't be bothered
That's my problem too. As soon as I leave the "work area" I just do nothing. I can't work at home, so I hate it when a course only requires you to be in 3 and a half days a week.
I am a Grandmaster Procrastinator.

When I work however, I don't procrastinate hardly at all.