Damn morons on IM.


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
Anybody know this guy? I don't know how he got my IM name, unless it was off this website.

Evil On A Bun: *I edited the link out for here*
Raziaar: who is this?
Evil On A Bun: matt
Raziaar: who's matt?
Raziaar: I don't know you do I?
Evil On A Bun: yea
Evil On A Bun: i think so
Evil On A Bun: this is john rihgt?
Raziaar: No...
Raziaar: Do you play dragonrealms?
Raziaar: or use half-life2.net forums? if not, I don't know you
Evil On A Bun: yea
Evil On A Bun: hl2 .net
Raziaar: i'm Raziaar on half-life2.net
Raziaar: and my name isn't john
Evil On A Bun: oh
Evil On A Bun: well here
Evil On A Bun: *this link edited out too. it links to a shock site. the url was related to halflife2*
Raziaar: who are you on there?
Raziaar: I don't click any links until I know who a person is. sorry.
Raziaar: dude, **** off... I'm not clicking any of your script laden bullshit sites.
Raziaar: go suck a cock
Evil On A Bun: no
Evil On A Bun: you

Is this a person from these forums? If not... I urge you guys to message him :P

And i'm just wondering how he got my IM. Grrr! Hope this thread isn't deleted either, since it's a warning to people not to click any mysterious links.

EDIT: Oh it was OvA's friend. Heh.

Evil On A Bun: Raziaar
Evil On A Bun: This is OvA, my friend was trying to get you with last measure
Evil On A Bun: Honestly, He sucks at tricking people
Evil On A Bun: I would have had you
Raziaar: I was about to make a post on the forums detailing this conversation. heh.
Raziaar: And no, you wouldn't of had me. I don't click links except from WELL trusted friends.
Raziaar: And sorry, you're not one of them.

Sorry OvA. You fail at the intarwebs. Your friend does too.
what's his msn addy?

edit: this was only on AIM right?
Raziaar: I just posted it :-P
Evil On A Bun: Hah
Raziaar: Tell your friend he sucks.
Evil On A Bun: Already did
Raziaar: then... ram a 5 foot pole up his ass
Evil On A Bun: And I do regularly
Evil On A Bun: Congratulations though, you're smarter than half of halflife2.net's members
Raziaar: lol
Raziaar: I am winnar!
Raziaar: What can I do to best the other half?
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist...
Pat Robertson.

Fun fact: My grandfather used to be friends with Pat Robertson until he tried to convert him to a born-again baptist (or whatever religion that crazy preaching zealot is) They haven't spoken sense :laugh: