Damn the server browser really sucks


Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Aside from all the pointless crap that we must all endure to get into a decent BF2 server, the one thing that really pisses me off is the "Not full" filter. I apply it, I refresh, I apply again...


This is VERY irritating when looking for a ranked server.

Yes, I agree! 99% of the ranked servers are full, and they constantly clog up my browser because the filters are bonked. Then when I finally find a server, it's always a US one, and has a ping that makes me want to jump out the window.
hardly works, cant use 3'rd party browers, worst aspect of BF2 is finding servers.
Dont get so pissed. They obviously know about it, and they will fix it. Dont get your panties in a bunch. Yes its annoying, but considering that this is pretty much the only bug I have encountered, I can damn well give them time to fix it. I have waited much longer for patches to much buggier games... and im sure you all have also.
Dont get on there cock just because they made a good game, they ****ed up on something, and it needs fixing. Not to mention it's the same ****ed up thing they did in 1942 and BF:Nam. Why make the same mistakes over and over :angel:
Soon hopefully all seeing eye will support it.
Krynn72 said:
Dont get so pissed. They obviously know about it, and they will fix it. Dont get your panties in a bunch. Yes its annoying, but considering that this is pretty much the only bug I have encountered, I can damn well give them time to fix it. I have waited much longer for patches to much buggier games... and im sure you all have also.

Oh they're already in a bunch. Infact, my panties are so far up my ass because of the server browser I'm considering getting an enema.
Yea BF2 would be much more enjoyable if the server browser was fixed.

Krynn72: Now are you saying that because you are trying to ignore bugs you find, and don't want to believe that they released a poduct with bugs? Trust me, I've encountered sooo many bugs with BF2 it sucks. No crashes or something like that, but tons of things that really irritate me.
Krynn72: I'd agree, if the BUGGIEST feature of the WHOLE game wasn't the browser, which is essential for... well.. playing the game. What's the point in making a great game if no-one can actually play it / enjoy it without spending 30 minutes to find a server. And it's not the dev's fault; it's EAs. Every single EA game, EVER, has had crappy multiplayer browsers. They wont fix it.
I dont understand ignoring a critical bug just because the gameplay is fun.
Just remember... its gamespy, and gamepsy has always sucked except in its earliest days.
BF2 should run on Steam instead... Steam really is my favorite server browser ever, it's just so damn quick and flexible.
I hope a patch comes out in the not to distance future to fix several issues with the browser, and odd game crashes out of no where.
Pesmerga said:
Oh they're already in a bunch. Infact, my panties are so far up my ass because of the server browser I'm considering getting an enema.

That, my friend, earned you my signature.
Apparently All Seeing Eye works with BF2. Don't hold me to that though. I heard it from some guy at school.
babyheadcrab said:
hardly works, cant use 3'rd party browers, worst aspect of BF2 is finding servers.


You'd think by now that DICE could slap together a decent server browser.
I just quit the game after, I kid you not, 15 minutes of unsuccessful server browsing. EA needs to fix this shity server menu NOW!!
the server browser is absolute shite.
finding a game should not be this damn hard!
Somebody post on a site where it would be more likely for a press person to send news wayward to DICE so they can get on it. Maybe TotalBF2 or send off emails to EA/DICE or the like. This needs to be fixed, and if they wont, we will force them too. I wont sit around for many min. just trying to find a damn server to play the game just because 3'rd party browsers dont work because of the EA account crap. Just let me find servers quick and get into the action and have fun. If your not going to allow 3'rd party browsers to even work, at least fix your crappy ass server browser that cant even sort by ping and lags every time you select a server from the list or scroll down.

/end rant......... FIX IT! rawr!

note: this should be seen as a compliment that we want to get into the game so fast because we consider it so fun, so ignoring this would just be hurting them more and put a dent in possible players / fanbase.
Use ASE to get the ip and connect by ip, it beats refreshing the ingame broswer.

Yep this is unacceptable... (cocks shotgun)
its also worth remembering that the in-game browser has be this bad since BF1942. It hasnt improved a single bit.

BF2 doesnt support 3'rd party software yet (the upcoming patch is said to correct this), so ASE is the way to go as PoeticRocker said, just obtain the IP and away you go.

Does the HL2.net clan play on the same server each time? or do they just find a near empty one and all pile in?
yep Axyon, Zeremski and Kaff11 and I were saying how much this thing sucks....

BF2 is like this voluptious blonde, big blue eyes, big ol bitties and soft red lips.... and the browser is when you find out she has a penis
Mr. Redundant said:
yep Axyon, Zeremski and Kaff11 and I were saying how much this thing sucks....

BF2 is like this voluptious blonde, big blue eyes, big ol bitties and soft red lips.... and the browser is when you find out she has a penis

If you call that a down side! har har har!

I mean....the server browser sucks
the play online now feature would actually be useful if it was done right. for instance, you tell the filter what games to join, < 50 ping, not full(obviously), amount of players, ranked, map etc.

if they had these filters connected to the play online now thingie, you could just get into bf2, click on it, and boom you're in a good pinging server, no server refresh.