Damn what hot key did i hit!


Companion Cube
Aug 7, 2003
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Damnit, i think i have pressed some damn random hotkey and it has decided to own my view ports for me :( It seems as though the view port is cutting off 1/2 the pollys in the pespective view port and i dont know what the hell i have done to make it want to do it. Any help getting it back to normal would go down well :)


  • hummm.JPG
    12.4 KB · Views: 224
wow thats ****ed id help but i dont know what the problem is man.its never happened to me b4.
Its a frigging pain, im trying to make an animation work but cant see 1/2 of it.
you dont even have 3ds max hahahahahahahahahahahha - im drunk
Oh Noes! I photo shoped teh image! then put it on teh interwebs!
i think what you are describing is viewport culling . ill get the shortcut in a sec.
try this "o" to get out of it and "alt+o" to get into that mode.
Its working more in the same was as a camera when you tell it to cut off whats going on after a certian distance. If i move to close to an object its starts to disipear. Its really weird.
In 3DSmax it's called "viewport clipping" .. maybe that will help you?
Viewport clipping is turned off when i right click and look at the viewport properties menu. Um i dont really know how elce to describe it really :(
maybe you had an object in that position, and you booleaned it ?
I dont used boolean. I had a look through the hotkey map to see what i might of pressed but nothing in there really set alarm bells ringing. This is a frigging pain in the arse because i need to try and sort out the envolopes on my character but i can get close enough because the whole lot disipears when i zoom in.
hmm..that usually happens when you have an object that is too small. Have you tried scaling it up? I'll look into this
can you put the scene up for download ? that way we can have a better look at whats going on
entities probably right judging from the picture I cant even see one square on the grid, or its something really daft.. try all the unhide commands in the quad menu, and in the modifier panel too when your face tools are selected.
I did enlarge the scence content and seems to have fixed it. I havnt checked proply yet, will do it over the course of the day when i get in my lecture room and will let you know whats a happeneing to it.