damnit nvidia.....


Oct 3, 2003
Reaction score
you know i was a nvidia fanboy even through the times of them destroying all the was voodoo. up until last year i was with them, then the crap about IQ being changed to make their cards look better and faster. out comes the 6800 ultra and i thought and read that it was all cleaned up finally. things looked good. REAL good. well shit. what do you know, nvidia is still up to its cheating ways:


bah. this pisses me off. nvidia needs to clean up their crap.

well im going to stick with my 9800 pro. its an amazing card and will be for a while.
qckbeam, get on MSN :)

Anyway, I guess, but I'd like to see more than one site reporting this before I believe.
also, the guy even says that he can't see a difference in image quality... basically the cards are just rendering the scenes differently.
ComradeBadger said:
Not proven yet. Not quite.

..... Not proven? did you actaully read the article?

Paintballer said:
also, the guy even says that he can't see a difference in image quality... basically the cards are just rendering the scenes differently.

That has little to do with it. They are decreasing quality/cheating to get higher scores in canned benchmarks...as well as games.

As far as the games go its not such a big deal. But like the guy who wrote the article said. When i set it to max quality...i want max quality.

You guys seem a bit suprised by this. Surely you guys didn't think Nvidia would never cheat again after the last couple of times they were caught cheating, now would you?

I lost fate in Nvidia. They're falling down the tube, anyways. :x
crabcakes66 said:
..... Not proven? did you actaully read the article?
Wait for the response from FutureMark. A rendered image doesn't have to be 100% identical to the reference image. Certain small discrepancies are allowed. For example, ATI's alpha blending doesn't render 100% "correct" either, yet it still is within the limits of what FutureMark allows.

FutureMark had their hands on these drivers. I assume they've tested it and concluded that the rendered image is within non-cheating limits. So just wait for a response.
Besides, you'll need superhuman sights in order to spot the difference in game, so I certainly don't care either way.
Yeah, but according to those pictures Nvididas image is WAY far off the rendered one, when compared to ATIs.
No...according the pictures the mipmaps are off.

It's interesting that this article never mentions what LOD bias was used.
#1 rule... never believe anything you here or anything you see... get a card and do your own tests is what i say... (im still going with the 6800)
same here... ile get the 6800 ne ways cause i know it wont crap out on me... even if they did cheat... but i wana see the r420 vs the nv30u
everything said here has been valid. of course your really not going to notice the difference in a few mip map changes, but what the guy said in the article made A LOT of sense. if im going to shell out 400$ for a grphx card i better get the best with no little exceptions that make it better ilegally. with such leaps and bounds they shouldnt have to make these modifications to the code so their card runs faster. you think nvidia would learn. besides this is another big step in grphx speed and technology. it will be interesting to compare the X800 to the 6800 and see how much of a difference there really is.
XenoSpirit said:
#1 rule... never believe anything you here or anything you see... get a card and do your own tests is what i say... (im still going with the 6800)

If you have already made up your mind then you are a fool.
ha, i like the way you said that crabby.

p.s didnt you used to be a mod?
Willber123 said:
p.s didnt you used to be a mod?

No. At one point I considered applying for a mod position for hardware or something, but they have plenty of people already. Once HL2 is out and this place is booming again mabey ill ask.
early driver too, no way to officially tell if its cheating
Washuu said:
early driver too, no way to officially tell if its cheating

Ummm..... hello?

They are drivers that are sanctioned by nvidia for reviewing/benchmarking etc........

the cheats are there to help get the PR machine moving....
the reson why i like Nvidia is cause of the very nice colors, graphics, and it wont crap out on me... but i am looking at the 9800pro cause its decent sped at a cheap cost
yea... i like quality. and i really agree with the idea of getting the most out of what i pay for. but in the case of ati and nvidia, i go with what i have had better experiences with. in this case, its nvidia. ive never really had a problem, except then i somehow set fire to my gf3 ti500. but ive had plenty o problems with ati, from bad drivers to incompatibality. so ill go with what ive normally had better luck with.