Dan Brown Books

Jul 1, 2003
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Who has read any of his works? To my knowledge he's written:

Digital Fortress
Angels & Demons
Da Vinci Code

I've read Digital Fortress and Angels & Demons. Damn good books. I'm going to get the Da Vinci Code from my brother this weekend and start that up. Does he have any more books out or that will come out soon?
I really enjoyed the Davinci Code but I thought Angels and Demons was pretty awful. He's amazing at writing about "history" and I think the "non-fiction" parts of his books are quite fascinating, while the plot and pacing is pretty heavy-handed. He reminds me alot of Michael Crichton in this regard. By the way, I put "history," and "non-fiction" in quotes because even his references to supposed actual people, groups and events are laced with a strong undercurrent of academic wishful thinking. But you got to hand it to him, he's almost invented this entire new sub-genre, the 'historical thriller', single-handedly. Overall though, definitely an up and coming star in the world of fiction.

Oh, also.....he lost me in "Angels and Demons" when:

Langdon jumped out of that damn helicopter. It's f*ckin' impossible to fall from thousands of feet in the air and basically walk away uninjured. Sorry but that was just stupid.
I've read 'DaVinci Code', now am going to read 'Angels and Demons'.

'DaVinci...' was great, couldn't stop reading it. I'm a big fan of all the conspiracy theories and the history's dark secrets, so it was a pretty good adventure. you'll like it!

I've also heard, that 'Angles and Demons' is somewhat worse that 'DaVinci Code'. guess I'll see for myself in a couple of days...
i read da vinci code and its so awesome!!!! im about halfway through reading angels and demons and its awesome so far too. and after this im going to buy the rest of te books and read all of them to. and when he comes out with new books ill buy them to.
I'm reading the Davinci Code, great book, nerally finished it.
I'm a big fan, and have enjoyed all his stuff I've read.
I'd also check out Deception Point, another novel of his.
i have read all of Dan Brown's books and loved every one....!
Apart from the ridiculous ending ( and the antimatter ), I thought Angels and Demons was better than the Da Vinci code. I didn't think the latter was particularly well written. Cracking story tho'.