Dangerous hunt


May 12, 2004
Reaction score
A: DANGEROUS HUNT is a Hunting mod using the half-life 2 engine

Q: What year is it set?
A: The time period is 2024

Q: Tell me somthing about the story?
A: In the year 2021 a group of tankers carrying nuclear waste through the country side of england was involved in a crash wich spilled tons of nuclear waste into the river and soil.
3 years later there have been reports that there are mutated animals and wildlife in the area.The goverment of england sends the militiry in to check it out but a week after they were sent in there is no word of where they are. You and a couple of your hunting buddies are commisioned by the english goverment to hunt for these animals and bring there dead carcases in.

thats is all that is available at this time please check back for updates.

Q: How far in development are you?
A: We are in very early devlopment.

On that note here is what i need:

2 modelers,1 concept artist,1 programmer,2 skinners.

Thx for listening and tell me what you think.
That sounds kinda fun.. heh. Hunting mutated animals of doom!!
Who was the one asking all those questions?
I don't know, sounds a bit too much like Stalker. Maybe change the nuclear waste to some sort of crazy chemical.
Not Dick Shittington? Damn, where has Dick got to these days...
Dux said:
Not Dick Shittington? Damn, where has Dick got to these days...
Last I heard Dick shittington and Brian Bummington were setting up a company

shittingbum Incorporated I believe.
The Dark Elf said:
Last I heard Dick shittington and Brian Bummington were setting up a company

shittingbum Incorporated I believe.

you guys got really off topic please stay on-topic
And it could use a better name imo...
yeah i agree on the name, change it..... sounds like a movie with 1 of the baldwin brothers
SupremePain said:
yeah i agree on the name, change it..... sounds like a movie with 1 of the baldwin brothers

hit the nail on the head :)

Though if the baldwin brother from firefly it'll be worth watching :E
The Dark Elf said:

Come up with a better idea instead of copying other mods.

well its clear that you dont know the difference between a mod and a game stalker is in russia and after chernoble and well my mod is a hunting mod but with mutated animals.
also if you do not like the mod or anything dont reply to this thread.if you are not gonna apply for a job dont reply.
i dont want to explode on you but cmon dont be a jackass.
armanguy said:
well its clear that you dont know the difference between a mod and a game stalker is in russia and after chernoble and well my mod is a hunting mod but with mutated animals.
also if you do not like the mod or anything dont reply to this thread.if you are not gonna apply for a job dont reply.
i dont want to explode on you but cmon dont be a jackass.
Well with a post like that we can see who the jackass is

If you look more carefully I never compared you to stalker, so quit with the attitude.
well ill just have to change the name also, my mod has mutated animals, instead of normal animals. I have never heard of that game either but i will be making a name change.i have been hard at work getting staff and getting some 3d modelling done i have a bunch of concept but due to the fact my mod and that game have the same names ill just have to change some things.i am sorry that i got of sounding like a brat but i will try to control myself in the future :)
So uh... wheres a link to this stalker mod, and or this mod?
Stalker: Hunt mutant animals, fight other people and avoid obstacles in a radioactive landscape in order to progress through the FPS RPG Deus-Ex-style game.

Dangerous Hunt: Hunt Mutant Animals. What else?

I dunno, I guess people would be more receptive if you provided more of an explanation towards the actual functions of the gameplay?

The idea certainly can work even if the basic premise is similar, so long as you have original and/or high-quality gameplay.
heres a explanation of what im trying to do you'll be able to play as both animal or human online but when you play as an animal you play in a thrid-person view so its easier to amve and you know where you are unline NS where you can harly see shit.
theres one map my mod team is looking into and designing where
you in a lodge and the animals are try to brak in and theres tons of windows and they can actually break the floor and up that way. ofcourse the lodge will be big to fit more hunters and so fourth. another idea were playing with is that in one map if it is possible that the hunters are trying to get to the other side of the map without getting killed and call in for a jeep when the hunter are waiting for the jeep the animals are attacking and its an open area so it gets crazy. :eek: so those are some of the few gameplay types and another were also playing with is theres 2 player controlled teams that are hunting for the animals with a timelimit the team with most kills at the end of the game wins. :sniper: so thats the just of the gametypes. :angel:
Why dont you just make a "Hunting Mod" people can be the animals and try to run while the hunter shoots them silently with a long distance rifle?
well if your just playing the animal running all the time the game wont be fun and pretty pointless.
I dont now, I think it will give people skill, just incase they are ever hunted by a crazy person.
armanguy said:
well if your just playing the animal running all the time the game wont be fun and pretty pointless.
Agreed, unless it was done really well it would risk becoming boring.

Maybe have a way of communicating with other animals in a pack, give it a tactical feel. Would work better with ants though, they'd be perfect for something like that. Just call it AntAttack or something heh
im gonna stick to hunting but my mod team and i might be changing the story for the mod:)and may take away the hunting aspect. maybe terrorista vs. counter terrorist oh i know what to call it counter-terror (sarcasm)
Why not just use the whole Super Soldier idea and say a remote village some 20k's away from where the accident happened was mutated. Sp value is easily incorperated. MP could also have some nice quirks.
armanguy said:
Q: Tell me somthing about the story?
Ron Burgundy: Good evening. I'm Ron... Burgundy?
Ed Harken: Dammit! Who typed a question mark on the teleprompter?

To extend on Kyo's idea with my own Lawyer-flavour of thinking:

You could be exploring a ghost-town-type-thing, as people reported strange things there. Then, sudddenly, in the middle of an empty street, lots of mutated beasts start springing out of the manholes, screaming bloody murder, and trying to tear out your throat. Lots of fun.

-Angry Lawyer
OCybrManO said:
Ron Burgundy: Good evening. I'm Ron... Burgundy?
Ed Harken: Dammit! Who typed a question mark on the teleprompter?

I really want to see that movie after seeing that clip. The guy reminds me of Chevy Chase so much, and that guy was brilliant in his time.
i am designing a design doc. for the mod team and will be taking everything in consideration.thankyou for your comments and if you do wanna join please dont hesitate to pm me or reply to this thread.
ive made a new design taking ideas from dangerous into hereafter.
ComradeBadger said:
How many mods have you started now?

yeah dangerous hunt is being turned into hereafter

and the two other one were tm'd
why do the statistics of what staff members you need keep changing? why can't you settle for what you can get?