Danimal's Stories


May 6, 2005
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Was just lookin back at my welcome thread here couple months ago and saw these by Danimal:

Danimal said:
The air was cold as the hall was dark. Suddenly Evo heard footsteps coming from his north, they grew louder and louder as he was getting more and more worried. Then, out of the shadows, a friendly face appears. The person waves polietly.

Evo then see's the word "D A N I M A L" Spray painted on the stranger's dark blue and slightly torn vest. He realises it is just another member of this dark, deslote place.

'Welcome to HL2.net!" Yells Danimal with a big grin on his face. "Enjoy your stay"


Danimal said:
Darkness. The abyss. Hell. There was many names Evo could think up of this place, a million thoughts a second were pulsing through his mind. He had awoken in this dark chamber-like hallway. Suddenly but almost as if on que, footsteps started, they were periodically getting louder and louder... Eventually, the sillohuette of what seemed to be cloaked man appeared.

Evo notices wierd symbols on the man's vest, as he squints he makes out the word "D A N I M A L" which was hastely written upon the clothing with spray paint. The man had a friendly face and smirks as he waves. "Welcome to HL2.net, friend" he says in a slow pace; "Enjoy your say..."

So, made any other stories we should be aware of? Anyone else got some quirky (fictional) stories to share?
hehe i read his last chapter cos i read th other load 2 weeks ago :p
Just starting to read it now Sulks :thumbs: so far
Oooo, I'd take this opportunity to promote my story, Desperate Measures, but I don't know if it qualifies as quirky. :( I like it though. :E

There's a lot of decent stuff in the fanfiction forum. Sulkdodds started a Very Short Story thread that has some really good stuff in it. And Edcrab's story, Malign Contingency, certainly qualifies as quirky.

By the way, for anyone who has been following my story, I expect to have the epilogue posted very soon. Sorry about the wait.
Hurry up! :cheers:

Malign Contingency also owns your mother****ing headcrab.
And The Resistance is brilliant, too. ;D
Sulks, just read your story (all 16 chapters since you posted about it :D ) anymore chapters to come?

Will be moving onto Malign Contingency soon too :bounce:
DreadLord1337 said:
Where's the story about you eating out some chick in the back of her car and then her grandmother finding out and you being seperated from your one true love for the rest of eternity?

Yea Pes, where's that?

Sulk, you killed me! Now you must die!

I'm not going to Bale Mall btw, that's too dangerous.
I thought this was some kind of thread against me.

I can write better material, but you know... Can't be ****ed and all.
WAHOOO! Sulks you legend, The Hunters is finally finished! (i think)

Very good stuff dude, well done :thumbs:
he is being a bugger and not updating till he gets mroe reviews! quick go review!!!!
Wow, I just read that excellent epic of yours sulk. Very brilliant. Its good to see people dedicated to their work. Please tell me you're going to be a writer one day. Hell, ask Critchon if you could write books set in his universe for him, even that would be good enough.

Anyway, I've been working on a...unique World War II story lately. I'll post up a link of it soon.
Thanks. I'll always be writing, though whether actually 'being a writer' is financially sound remains to be seen.

When you post that I'll be sure to check it out. :p