Dark Carnival Unveiled


Jul 6, 2003
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[br]Today is the first day of PAX so expect a flood of media and hands-on previews for Valve's Left 4 Dead 2.[br]

Starting with Eurogamer and their trip to the funland to come back with new information and screenshots of deadly clowns.[br]

Dark Carnival (You must be this tall...to DIE) is the third of five campaigns for Left 4 Dead 2. It begins on a highway and take you across a variety of locations, from slippery hillside to a two-storey motel and ends in the carnival itself which is full of infected-packed tents and stalls.[br]

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Following a few close shaves and a descent down a slippery hillside (which the AI director saw fit to spice up with a tank - thanks for that), the survivors work through a two-storey motel complex, with roomed-up infected bashing chunks out of every door they pass to try and get at them, and then make their way into the carnival itself, full of infected-packed tents and stalls.

There are also new uncommon-common zombie clowns who call other infected over to them. There's also a new t-shirt for Ellis, an electric guitar to use as a melee weapon and of course the new special infected: The Jockey which we revealed some info about him earlier.[br]

You can read the full preview by heading to Eurogamer.net.[br]

There is also a new gameplay video on youtube that shows some footage of the new campaign which I think reveal a new melee weapon a weapon that we all love, The Mighty Crowbar. You can find it here.[br]

In other news, Chet Faliszek has told Eurogamer that upcoming L4D1 DLC Crash Course costs money on Xbox Live because Microsoft insisted upon it.

"We own our platform, Steam. Microsoft owns their platform. They wanted to make sure there's an economy of value there," Faliszek told Eurogamer today when asked about the 560 Microsoft Points (?4.76 / ?6.72) price tag for Crash Course.

When pressed about whether Microsoft effectively enforced the pricing, Faliszek added: "Well, they helped us get the first one out for free. We had the one DLC out for free. And I think... they have to look and say, wow, we're kind of being unfair to everybody else if these guys can do that.

He also confirmed that it's still down for release in September.[br]

Long post is over.

anyone remember this sexy pose??
Goddamit Warped!

I'll start having nightmares again :(
I'm really hoping this campaign will have a very eerie, almost horror-like feeling to it. Looking forward to it more and more.
This campaign looks awesome, shame the people playing it aren't very good
They are playing it on xbox it won't be pc smooth with movement. I just can;t wait for this game it is looking so much better than the first one. ... and first one is so awesome. :sniper:
What does the Clown do?

It's like a small-mob leader of common zombies?
^ Clown melee attack uses one of those hand buzzers to shock you.
Start of that video is the Jockey:



Brian Freeman who was Gordon Freemans brother... :p
Well that's new, to my understanding melee weapons had to be equipped or dropped?
Anyone notice the "hidden" easter egg on the bottom right corner of the poster by the mechanics leg? :D

That gave me a good chuckle.
Anyone notice the "hidden" easter egg on the bottom right corner of the poster by the mechanics leg? :D

That gave me a good chuckle.

Nice find. :p

There better be lots of ominous carnival music being played!

Also: Hooray for widexscreen love in the poster. I hope the main menu + lobbies of L4D 2 take advantage of widescreen displays, since L4D has too much wasted space in the menu/lobbies on widescreen displays.
Hum... Crowbar, that's good... But what's with the melee weapons replacing the pistols? Did they change this? I didn't like the Jockey... Seriously... Just to imagine Nick calling "Jockey" with his emotionless speechlines... The clown as an uncommon that can attract others... Hope it's not laughing or anything...

The new visual for Ellis look wicked ;) He used to look like a plastic action figure or something...
This is probably my favorite poster. The slogan is pretty funny.