Dark energy might be vacuum


Aug 6, 2004
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It might be interesting for somebody.


Researchers at the University of Copenhagen's Dark Cosmology Centre at the Niels Bohr Institute have brought us one step closer to understanding what the universe is made of. As part of the international collaboration ESSENCE they have observed distant supernovae (exploding stars), some of which emitted the light we now see more than half the age of the universe ago. Using these supernovae they have traced the expansion history of the universe with unprecedented accuracy and sharpened our knowledge of what it might be that is causing the mysterious acceleration of the expansion of the universe.

but don't get your hopes up, because it's still theoretical. don't expect dark matter reactors anytime soon.
they've thought that for aaaaaaaages =\
A step closer to proving = good! We just need more!
Come on, it's easy. All they have to do is steal a Combine dark matter reactor and reverse engineer it:P
I'm confused here, so dark energy == zero point energy? What about dark matter?
I'm bored of waiting... Just figure it out already! I would, but I'm busy.
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