Dark Messiah delayed til Oct; RE4 PC delayed indefinitely; SC: DA delayed til Oct...

Feb 24, 2005
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Man, Ubisoft must really want to boost their holiday quarter! BIG titles moving to October and RE4 PC moving til...whenever! Not great for gamers, but...oh well.

-adds Dark Messiah to Christmas list-
Last time I checked on RE4 PC it was billed for late September. Oh well. I was looking forward to that.

*sigh* I'll just have to put up with Saints Row, Dead Rising, Twilight Princess, New Super Mario Bros, Episode 2, Portal, TF2..... :D
Great, a second delay for SC: DA. Don't f***king put out dates you can't hold. How hard is it to write "Release date: TBA" instead of some guess.
They want to get some of that christmas money...typical publisher greed, I can't say I'm surprised though...
They're making RE4 for PC? Wowwww that's going to suck.
They're making RE4 for PC? Wowwww that's going to suck.
If you mean it'll be too easy, then you may be right. Otherwise, this game would have a harder time sucking than Jerry Falwell at an all-nude Village People show on Fire Island!
oh well. Not bothered by this, to much to play anyway.
If you mean it'll be too easy, then you may be right. Otherwise, this game would have a harder time sucking than Jerry Falwell at an all-nude Village People show on Fire Island!

Just thinking about controlling RE4 on a keyboard makes me sick. The mouse thing for aiming makes sense, but blargh, I would just imagine it being really clunky movement wise. And how will the button-pressing-to-avoid-death situations work?
dam, I wanted all the above games to be released this summer,

especially for SC
BALLSACK! :flame:

I was really looking forward to RE4 on PC. :(
Aww, son of a...
The wait for DM already seemed to be an eternety... oh well.
The one I cared about most is Dark Messiah. I hope they're still releasing the demo before the summer is out.
If you mean it'll be too easy, then you may be right. Otherwise, this game would have a harder time sucking than Jerry Falwell at an all-nude Village People show on Fire Island!

Mouse-aiming is going to take away a lot from the game. A big part of the fun was the feeling of tension as you were getting swarmed and having the satisfaction of well placed shots. Maybe if they increased the move speed to balance out the easier aiming, then it could work. If it's a straight up port though, the game is going to be an utter cake walk with mouse aim.