Dark Messiah Multiplayer hands on


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
a ton of info here. From classes to maps to gametypes etc

this looks interesting ..I'm guessing objective progression a la Enemy territory

That sounds pretty neat. At worst, a few fun evenings of cutting people into chunks and throwing fireballs around.
Sounds alright I guess. Not sure how much it's going to be good with these classes though. Looks like Archers aren't going to get many good high-spots to avoid the warrior's amazing speed.

<3 Oblivion for it's rocks.
Nice preview. ;)
Multiplayer looks like great fun.
Damn... this game just keeps looking better and better.

Since it's using Source, dose anyone know if it's getting a Steam release?
Damn... this game just keeps looking better and better.
Since it's using Source, dose anyone know if it's getting a Steam release?

I am playing the beta and I had to download that through Steam. So I am guessing the answer is yes.
lol I just saw what replaced my original map screen in my first post :laugh:

she's kinda hot ..in a big-eyed-weirdly-porportioned sort of way
I've been playing the beta too. There's only 2 capture maps, but I'm not finding it particularly great. The upgrade system's very cool though.
One of the games i will be getting.