Darkfall Online Madness


May 6, 2005
Reaction score
I'm suprised this hasn't been mentioned here yet, the Darkfall Online Madness!

First off former PC Zone writer Ed Zitron reviewed the game on Eurogamer (http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/darkfall-online-review) and gave it 2/10

The devs responded saying the Ed had barely played the game at all and other nonsense - http://forums.darkfallonline.com/showthread.php?t=185060

Eurogamer Editor Tom Bramwell responded saying that Kieron Gillen (RPS) would re-review the game and that he stood by Ed - http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/editors-blog-darkfall-aftermath-blog-entry

Darkfall dev responds to Tom's statement - http://forums.darkfallonline.com/showthread.php?t=185299

They go on to make another statement - http://forums.darkfallonline.com/showthread.php?t=185733

Darkfall community members make a video attacking Ed:


Other related stuff is this debate on the RPS forums - http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/forum/pc/darkfall-madness/

There are obviously loads of things on the Eurogamer and Darkfall forums about this too.

The Darkfall kiddies are so outraged that they even found something I wrote discussing a blog post from Ed that I posted back in March on The Reticule and have started slagging him off there.

I can't wait for Kieron's review, should be an interesting read.

Just for clarity I don't believe Ed would write a review based on the claims the devs have made against him, I spent a week at PC Zone with him last summer and thought he was a really sound guy and honest journo.

Discuss this big mess!
lol @ video.

plz tell me that was a joke and not serious nerd rage...hahahaa...love the stereotypical nasal nerd voice haaha.
Is that video meant to be serious or someone doing a satirical joke about the whole thing?
There are few things more entertaining than nerd rage. That video was very lol worthy. Still not sure though who is right in this case. I mean, why would those devs lie about the logs? If Ed really just played for 3 hours, they might have a point.
That guy is a darkfall celebrity, he's like that in all his videos. As far as the review goes, it's all fabricated. I've been playing since launch day and ed is wrong on just about everything.
lol @ darkfall celebrity.

A guild I used to be in moved to darkfall, and the IDEA of the game is great, but the graphics and the gameplay I've seen in videos looks crappy enough to put me off. Add to that the fact that there are no US servers... well, let's just say they need a free trial to convert me.

I love PvP mmos, been craving a good one since UO. Shadowbane had the right ideas, but horrible implementation (clunky controls... move on mouse click? Really?)

Age of Conan got the combat right, but everything else sucked about it. Dammit, just take AoC's graphics and animations and tone them down a tad so it runs better, add in UO style pking and open world, take the AoC combat and shadowbane's siege mechanics and I'll subrscibe to that till the end of my life. Why must they all half ass it? :-(
I'm normally not a violent person, but god damnit that dorky voice makes me want to drop kick the idiot in the mouth.

also what a ****ing retarded video. game looks like turd by the way.
What a dork. And do all duels take so much time?

Well no, nobody is insane enough to use that many mounts and also nobody really duels to tell you the truth; it's just two gigantic egos that collided and produced a hilarious result, the kid with the annoying voice won.
This seems like a good enough topic to bump.

Anyway, so I -finally- got into the game, after weeks of waiting.
I've only played a little bit, but so far it's pretty fun... it reminded me of a multiplayer Morrowind a little bit. It definitely doesn't deserve a 2/10.

The only real problem is the terrible, terrible lag.

200 ping. All the time.