

May 27, 2003
Reaction score

Found this neat little game that got released on Friday :) If you are in the UK you can pick it up!

It's made by the creators of Introversion (they call themselves the "last of the bedroom coders") and well you take control of people called Darwinians and try to help take back their world from evil Virii that have invaded... It has mouse gestures and all integrated, very original concept :)

Anyways if you've seen this in the UK please go on their site, click News on the top and then one of the posts tells you how to report where you've seen the game (they are an independent publisher and don't know how well their game is taken)

Anyways check out the site becaues I'm terrible at explaining things...

This is really a sink or swim matter for Introversion :(

Oh and there is an MP component coming up in a future patch (or so the word on the forums is)
Mouse gestures? You mean like in Black & White?

edit: I'm looking at the screenies and those graphics are retro-cool! :afro:
Well what you do is you hit Tab to bring up your "Task-Browser" and well you just do mouse gestures in that window for all the various commands (like creating squads, engineers, which weapons etc etc)

It's _really_ nice actually... Although I forgot a few of the commands :p

Yea you gotta hear the story :P Like the demo is that you gotta get the polygon mines working again so they can mine polygons and form primitives... ROFL (no joke)

2D sprites in a 3D world ROCK :D
There's also a demo available at the site. Don't be put off by the lack of challenge, apparently the full game has more aggressive opposition.

It seems like a decent game (having only played the demo), though I couldn't help wishing they'd gone a little further with the art design; there's something about it that seems a little disparate to me, I think it's the pixellation on some of the units and the look of the various buildings.
Orgonomist: Yup I played the demo :)

The pixelation is on purpose... If you notice that they implemented some sprites and some 3D models (sprites are the darwinians and the basic virii) and then they apply shaders to the 3d guys :)
I'm aware that it's intentional, and I do actually like the effect itself. I'm just saying that I think all of those elements placed together in such a way looks sort of jarring (to me), and detracts from the experience (see: example ). I think a game of this kind would benefit from a more unified sort of approach to the graphics, though not necessarily monochromatic or 'Tron-like'.

I do think it's a beautiful game, and much better-looking than most.
I was planning to buy this, but the lack of money forces it somewhat down the priority list for now, though. The demo was indeed fantastic.

My copy is at home...

Not here.

I'll be waiting till the 18th then :(
The demo was nice, but I would never pay £30 for it, especially when SC:CTheory is £27.99.
I've got this game. It's very good, but VERY hard. well ok, not hard as such, but just tedious. Like moving darwinians with an officer to a safe place. That takes ages. Amazingly cool gesture system though.

9/10 from me. Though you can't exactly see all the darwinians different characterstics outright. They don't talk or anything so they could just be saying that ;)