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So anyone played Darwinia- I bought it ages ago and just went through it a second time, I forgotten how amazing it was!! Its pretty short only about 10 levels but still awesome!!
Definitly one of the best games this year, it kinda like a moden version of cannon fodder, but with more RTS bits!

Just thought I'd bring this up as it looks like Introversion Software will be going bust soon because no one bought it:( http://www.darwinia.co.uk/
it is amazingly kool!!!1

i played it at a frinds house its so different!!!
It's utterly, utterly brilliant.

AND IT WON'T WORK ON MY COMPUTER. Introversion refuse to respond to any requests for technical assistance and the Darwinia tech support forums yeild absolutely bugger all. >.<

The menu screen stutters and wobbles along at about 1fps, it won't let me change any video options, and when I try to actually play a level it just quits out of the game for no reason. And the patch does nothing. :dozey:
Well I've been nice and given them a free twenty pounds.
guchi said:
too bad originality = no profit :(

That's not true, Uplink did well for Introversion. Darwinia, although original, isn't really that interesting. That's why I think it flopped.
I thought Darwinia was decent from the demo, but not worth buying, for me anyway.
It would be cool if Valve just stepped in now and offered to distribute it over Steam!!
I had a major performance problem with it as well- a huge memory leak that made anything but the first level unplayable!! Luckily the patch seemed to fix everything and it runs perfectly now!!
Darwinia was great, not so many people think so. I especially love the sounds that your little fighter guys make :)

I only played the demo, and it was amazingly original and fun :D The graphics were by far one of the most pleasing things about the game... Who knew something so simple could look so beautiful.. And the simple yet complex concept of the game... Ahh, just so great.

I'm suprised so many others like it! Most of the people I talked to said it was lame... Stupid FPS kiddies...
I thought it was a great game, but I just didn't find it furfilling enough to spend money on. The demo, while fun, got rather boring as soon as I lost intrest in the colour black. If black is really a colour. More of a background... aww whatever.
Played the demo, and unfortunately got annoyed with having to 'draw' symbols to create things, i've heard a patch allows you to press a button and as such not do the 'drawing' thing. But im too hooked on BF2 now to bother
Krusty said:
One of the best games I've ever played.

Looks like it's coming to Steam too on Dec 15th.
Anyone who hasn't play it simply must give it a go...

Holy shit. You've got to be ****ing kidding me. Valve wants to distribute Darwinia? Holy freaking God, valve owns so hard. Someone in this thread a while ago said they wished it was published on Steam, and their dream has come true! Man, this is amazing. Valve is so awesome for distributing these original games that can't get play with the big boys by themselves.
Vegeta it isn't that, it's the problem they can't get any American publisher. So they contacted VALVe.
DiSTuRbEd said:
Vegeta it isn't that, it's the problem they can't get any American publisher. So they contacted VALVe.
That's what I said, they couldn't be with the big games on their own (getting a regular publisher and all that) so they went the Steam route because Steam is a good way to distribute original games that can't shine on their own because normal publishers won't risk money on an idea that is original.
Valve is always pulling for the underdog. They're gonna be the company on top pretty soon because they always support the guys who step outside the box. I bet in a few years valve will be the new EA.