Das Roboss SP Mod Released!



Das Roboss is an single player expansion for Half-Life 2 built by Tylak that takes place on over three different maps for an estimated hour of gameplay. I haven't had a chance to play it yet, but the more expansions we get to play the better![br]

[br]Their website describes the storyline as
Combine forces are constructing a ginormous robot code named "Das Roboss". You must infiltrate their uber bunker and stop this madness. The fate of the world is in the balance.
Visit their site by clicking the aformentioned hyperlink.
Yay! we're seeing some action! Too bad that link doesn't work! :devil: :angry: :angry: :angry:
I love Single Player!!!!

Hope it's good. Thanks Tylak for thaking the time. Heck...I even enjoy bad SP expansions.
Were on our way to seeing alot more!

Its pretty fun but a little hard? Naaaa. Conserve your ammo!
Wow, that was mostly excellent. :E The ending was a confusing, laggy mess but up till then it was tricky and so much fun. I love the non-linear way you can approach the middle section, that's something I thought was missing fom HL2. The most memorable part for me was jumping on a table to escape a zombie torso. It kept dragging itself beneath me and moaning. :p

For future versions, you should consider getting rid of the turrets hidden in the corners of rooms. Reloading is never fun.
Can someone tell me where to install a mod, and how to open it. I always do something wrong, and can't play it.
if you mean for this there are instructions in the zip file. there are with just about every mod in fact
Is this the first finished Half-Life 2 single player mod or have I missed
one already?

Good mod by the way!
this is a really good mod, levels are very well made with many different routes. lighting is nice, weapon placement is good, im so glad one of these mods have finally been released! thanks das roboss creators!
reaperteen said:
Its pretty fun but a little hard? Naaaa. Conserve your ammo!
Pretty hard? I like the sound of that :) HL2 was a walk in the park & I need a challenge!!
Anyone else got a problem with the sound? I get this constant droning sound throughout the whole of the area I have played so far. Not sure if it's supposed to be like that but it spoils the atmosphere somewhat in any case.

Nice looking map so far though. Good job I reckon.
I thought it was great. There were lots of little touches that I loved, and I agree that the non-linear section was really cool.

As for the end, I admit it was a bit hectic and gratuitious, but I personally thought the "oh shit this is ****ing ridiculous" factor made up for it. That, and my settings were already turned down for HL2-subtsance, so it didn't really phase my comp.
did you get the same thing as me with the sound? It didn't sound right & I thoguht it was a problem with the mod.
you didn't get that droning/ambient noise all through the first area then?
Great mod. Just beat it. Nice scripted events + great last battle. Oh and nice secrets :)
There's definitely a problem with my sound. That droney noise is doing my head in!
Why are so many people saying HL2 is easy? I find the normal difficulty setting as normal as in other games.

As for the mod the map is very HL1-ish (and I didn't like the maps in HL1 too much) but it's OK. I started playing on hard but turned to normal. There are many enemies at the same time and not many medkits. And getting shot from pulse rifle by two super combine at the same time consumes your health really fast.
Yay the first HL2 fan made expansion!

Heheh.. The title reminds me of..

awesome. quite hard, but i like it.
anyone seen das boot?
Great mod, I agree that it's quite hard, but awesome ending!
wheres the thing you need to put the batteries into?
Jangle said:
wheres the thing you need to put the batteries into?

When you are in the room with the 3 switches, go out of it (don't go up the ramps) and turn around. There are 2 ladders, go up one (doesn't matter). The batteries are there - knock them out and put one in each hole (there are 4 in the platform beneath where the batteries are).
The ending was kind of weird, why do you have to die once you hit the gate?
Very hard game (well I am playing it on hard...) still not got to the end yet, keep getting chain slaughtered by mass shotgun combine. :sniper:
i am having trouble installing this mod. I dont know exactly what folder I should extract to. Could someone help?
I did everything the Readme told me, and when I type the map name in the console it says no such map. I am unzipping it to hl2\maps, is that the right place?
steam/steamapps/steamusername/half-life 2/hl2/maps

you must be doing something wrong. when you type 'map ' in the console there should be a drop-down list of the maps
Woohoo, just completed it. Very good game, alittle more work could have gone into the end, reminded me alot of the last level of doom for some reason, not half life, but overall great fun to play and well made. :thumbs:

I want to see a mod where Dog is armed with that rapid-fire ion-cannon, that would make my day. :p
It took me my second time through to realize the Roboss has auxillary cannons. That would have made the gunship battle alot easier. :LOL:

Anyways an enjoyable map overall. Can't wait to see what's next.