DavGunner's Photo Storage Area

Dec 7, 2004
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Well, this is my first online photo album. I've only uploaded the pics I consider good. A few, I'm not sure about, but they're there anyway. I hope you like them. Tell me what you think, and any suggestions would be appreciated. They were generally taken with a Fugifilm point and shoot, so the amount of control I had over the image is limited. A few were stills taken from my video camera, so they don't look all that great. Enjoy!
Most of the photos were very meh, but the last lego one was cool.

You really need to work on your composition. Just seeing something that you think is cool, pointing the camera and taking a snap gives you a bad photo 99.9999% of the time. If you really want to become better, read up on composition. It is THE most important thing. If you master it, you'll take awesome photos with anything capable of recording images.

btw, http://maxikana.deviantart.com/gallery to show that I think I know what I'm talking about.
Yeah, I always try to compose the shot well, but often I'm in a moving car, or whatever and I'm only able to get one shot at it. The camera I use also has some shutter lag, so timing it right often doesn't work Sigh. But ultimately, that's no excuse. The pics in the link you gave (they're yours, yeah?) were really good. I see what you mean about composition. Thanks for the advice.
I LOVE Lego! But putting Policemen with Roman Helms don't really work for me... They well look sorta weird but JUST IMAGINE!
I LOVE Lego! But putting Policemen with Roman Helms don't really work for me... They well look sorta weird but JUST IMAGINE!

Haha yeah, I've been debating that myself. You see, I'm working on a "brickfilm", and I'm trying to put as many references to stuff as I can. So for my SWAT team guys, I wanted to give them helmets like that, as a nod to the Romans. I'm not sure though, since, as you say, they look a bit weird. The other cops wear the more conventional helmets with visors though. We'll see though.