Dawn of War II Coming To Steam


Jul 6, 2003
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Dawn of War II is coming to Steam next year. Developed by award winning Relic Entertainment, Dawn of War II ushers in a new chapter in the acclaimed RTS series - taking players to the brutal frontlines of war to lead an Elite Strike Force on a mission to save the galaxy. [br]

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With a focus on fast-action RTS gameplay, Dawn of War II brings to life the science fiction universe of Warhammer 40,000 like never before. Experience the intimate brutality of battle as you play through your chosen race's epic campaign. Clash with enemies on battlefields ablaze with visceral melee and ranged combat. Lead and develop your squads from raw recruits into the most battle hardened veterans in the Galaxy.

Watch the new trailer shown at Leipzig GC here, and for more info click here.
What races are going to be in this one?
Imo they should have space marines , imp guard , eldar , chaos , orks and tau. Seems like a good mix to me.

Edit : and squats :D.
40k without Chaos isn't 40k, its just starship troopers with different names to avoid lawsuits....

Less generic insectoid alien menace, more chaos cults and insidious plots to rot the Imperium of man from within and invade it with demonic horrors from without plx.
Orks dont belong in the 40k universe. I hate how Games Workshop simply took all their fantasy races and put them in space. I mean seriously, you can call these guys "ratlings" all you want, I know they're just ****ing space-hobbits.


In my opinion, the only good races in the 40k universe are the space marines, chaos marines, imperial guard, tau, and the 'nids. The necrons were a decent attempt, but they look dumb and are basically egyptians in space, which makes no sense because egypt was on earth, which is human territory.
confirmed so far:

Blood Angels, Orkz, Eldar and Tyranids.

Dont you mean blood RAVENS space marines? It would suck if you could only play the blood ravens any way , we all know the army painter will be back , or else...
Orks dont belong in the 40k universe. I hate how Games Workshop simply took all their fantasy races and put them in space. I mean seriously, you can call these guys "ratlings" all you want, I know they're just ****ing space-hobbits.

In my opinion, the only good races in the 40k universe are the space marines, chaos marines, imperial guard, tau, and the 'nids. The necrons were a decent attempt, but they look dumb and are basically egyptians in space, which makes no sense because egypt was on earth, which is human territory.

Um.....that...that was the total actual point of the entire concept of 40k....


Plus space orks are more awesome then all fantasy orcs from every IP invented.

GW orks have always been da biggestest and bestest but give an ork sum dakk dakka and he thump uvverz gud n' proppa!.
Orks are dumb and they should make better races for 40k.
While we're talking about 40K, does anyone else remember the fps Fire Warrior? Yeah, me neither.
The necrons were a decent attempt, but they look dumb and are basically egyptians in space, which makes no sense because egypt was on earth, which is human territory.
I will smash your face into a car windshield, then take your mother - Mrs. Krynn, out for a nice seafood dinner; AND NEVER CALL HER AGAIN!


Still, I don't see why they can't just implement all of the races and even all of the Marine factions. It would certainly give the game a massive lifespan.
I will smash your face into a car windshield, then take your mother - Mrs. Krynn, out for a nice seafood dinner; AND NEVER CALL HER AGAIN!


Still, I don't see why they can't just implement all of the races and even all of the Marine factions. It would certainly give the game a massive lifespan.

Because that would overwhelm the casual audience and would take about 10 times longer to develop and hell on earth to balance well.

Release it with four-five races, balance it, release an expansion pack with a couple more races if all went well, just like the original, that sounds like a good plan :)
I couldn't help but chuckle at the guys teeny tiny head compared to the shoulders.
I couldn't help but chuckle at the guys teeny tiny head compared to the shoulders.

They look bad ass yo. Except for the guys with the beak helmets. Dumbest thing ever.

then take your mother - Mrs. Krynn, out for a nice seafood dinner; AND NEVER CALL HER AGAIN!

You son of a bitch!

While we're talking about 40K, does anyone else remember the fps Fire Warrior? Yeah, me neither.

I remember it. I rented it and got very close to the end before I got bored and returned it. Even if the game sucks, if it has Tau, I'll like it.