Dawn of War II Delisted from Gamestop


Sucked so much dick for this title
Aug 29, 2006
Reaction score

Relic Entertainment's Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II appears to no longer be available for purchase at GameStop. Why? A person claiming to have knowledge of the matter says it's because of the game's association with Steam.

As of January 15th, according to Google's cache, GameStop was still taking pre-orders for the real-time strategy game. But as of yesterday, nothing. The product has disappeared from GameStop.com and calls to brick and mortar GameStop stores indicate that Dawn of War II is no longer available for pre-order.

This really pisses me off, I preordered from them, and I want to know whether to cancel my order... but it's true. Although my preoder is still in my order history.. I sent them an email, hopefully they'll be able to clear it up, or I go and buy through Steam instead.

It's nowhere to be found on their site.
Better not happen anywhere else. I've preordered from game cos of the preorder bonus.
I don't really understand. So Gamespot have taken it away because they are worried about losing sales to Steam?

Isn't that just called 'competition'?
It's really hypocritical, and childish, they get exclusive betas all the time, and once one of their competitors get one they have a fit.
Oh well. Gamestop is a bunch of money whores who are doing nothing but hurting the game industry.

let em cry all they want.
I love how the stock reaction in these kind of situations is to spit the dummy and hope you get your way. Way to prove the sophistication and relevance of your service over an emerging alternative.
It's really starting to piss me off. I practically threatened them that I would go buy from steam instead of through them.
I would, but I'm paying for DoW2 with some gift cards I got for xmas.
Apparently, I'll still be getting my preorder but they don't have it up on their site any more.
Methinks this will be counter-productive.
I already bought it. Once it's released, it'll be shipped straight to me.
Oh well. Gamestop is a bunch of money whores who are doing nothing but hurting the game industry.

let em cry all they want.

I kinda like my local gamestop, I don't like the people who work there, but I still enjoy the experience of going to a store and physically buying a game.
It's been put back on the site.. bit of a little fit they had there, eh?