Dawn of War II: Retribution


Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
Reaction score
So, I ordered this yesterday, being a big fan of Warhammer 40k and the Imperial Guard, and it's very fun.

The balance is pretty Ok, for a game with 5 races. And I think they managed to capture the essence of the races fairly well.

Anybody else get this game? It's currently more fun than WoW, so I guess that's saying something.
Sticking to the fast paced sc2 :p

but it crossed my mind
Sticking to slower paced Total War.

just doesn't feel right compared to DoW1
I purchased it a few weeks ago on Steam, I enjoyed the single player campaigns despite a number of un-voiced characters and often times nonsensical stories. Haven't really touched the multiplayer since Chaos Rising, but I've been told the balance is leaps and bounds better than it was prior to the move to Steamworks. Overall it's a solid standalone title but I really hope Relic goes back to the drawing board if/when they do Dawn of War 3. The "whack-a-mole" style point capture and defense with small, tacticool skirmishes mixed in is terribly boring.
Yeah, I do wish for larger, epic-er battles. Point capturing does get boring after a while, but I think it's a very good game nevertheless.

SC2, on the other hand, is awesome, and more suited to me since I do macro better than micro, but I cannot resist Warhammer 40k. Especially with the customizable badges and color schemes for your troops.

The campaign is pretty fun, but a bit repetitive. Also, the Farseer is hawt, but unvoiced. Stuff is actually fun, and I should go play the Ork campaign (currently finished with IG and in middle of Eldar) since people think it's the funniest.

Besides, tank hunting with Sentinels + krak missiles is very fun micro to do than SC2 stuff - likely because I never liked having to manually set the modes for siege tanks etc etc (of course, I never really used tanks much in the first place).

Edit: Interestingly, it sounds like I have ADD now. Perhaps it's because I'm high on performance enhancers (aka caffeinated vitamin water) because of a test. Ooh! Shiny!
As much as I loved the Dawn of War 2 series (mainly just because it is warhammer 40k) unless your playing on a higher difficulty level the missions in single player get to the point where its just a matter of charging your squad into the fray without thought put into forming any sort of tactics but then at higher difficulty it can be ridiculously hard at times, or I could just be bad at the game :)
Higher difficulties are hard because I think they put too much health for the bosses, so in the end it gets boring rather than challenging - but the squad fights are still good thanks to higher difficulties.
DoW2 is to DoW1 what C&C4 did to the C&C series. :|
Not really. Dawn of War II's focus on micromanagement and tactical combat is building on the combat gameplay of its predecessor, not to mention closer to the feel of tabletop Warhammer.
I haven't played the tabletop games but, I enjoyed DOW1 for the massive battles and base building.
DOW2 removed that and in a lot of ways made the game seem more casual with having tiny squads of units facing against millions of Tyranids.

Mind you, I've only played the first DOW2 game without any expansions so for all I know they've changed things up a bit.
The game is "fun" and the balance is "pretty Ok".

Is there a problem with how I worded it, or are you trying to be rude here?

Anyway, I've never played the prior versions of DOW2, so I'm not sure how they've changed.
CoH: OF and DoW2 are the reason I won't ever buy a Relic game again.
I am trying to be rude.

That doesn't actually make sense, because for you to be rude in the way you probably wanted, you need to be pointing out a mistake on my part - which you just said didn't exist.

I suppose it was an unintended trick question.

But anyway, is there a reason that you are trying to be rude, because frankly I've never been rude to you (first), and I'd like an explanation as to why you mock my posts. Are you some kind of English Literature major that finds something utterly despicable about the style of writing that I utilize or something?
What Samon has in mind here is that your overview of the game in the first post is limited to nondescript impressions and generally uneloquent way of expression. Generally speaking an uninteresting and slapdash way to start a discussion or talk about your opinion, even if casual exchange of remaks is all you wanted it to be.
What Samon has in mind here is that your overview of the game in the first post is limited to nondescript impressions and generally uneloquent way of expression. Generally speaking an uninteresting and slapdash way to start a discussion or talk about your opinion, even if casual exchange of remaks is all you wanted it to be.

Fair point - but a criticism he could have included with his post so I could actually understand him.

You see, I hadn't thought of that. I haven't had much of a chance to play the game in its entirety, especially the multiplayer, so I thought it'd be best to reserve judgment. I hadn't had the time to explore all the races too much, just the Imperial Guard.

Tbh, I suppose I'm not good at describing or rating anything. :/